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synonymous sites, and yet show an excess of between-species

Vol 437|20 October 2005|doi:10.1038/nature04107
Adaptive evolution of non-coding DNA in Drosophila
Peter Andolfatto1
A large fraction of eukaryotic genomes consists of DNA that is not
translated into protein sequence, and little is known about its
functional significance. Here I show that several classes of noncoding DNA in Drosophila are evolving considerably slower than
synonymous sites, and yet show an excess of between-species
divergence relative to polymorphism when compared with
synonymous sites. The former is a hallmark of selective constraint,
but the latter is a signature of adaptive evolution, resembling
general patterns of protein evolution in Drosophila1,2. I estimate
that about 40–70% of nucleotides in intergenic regions, untranslated portions of mature mRNAs (UTRs) and most intronic DNA
are evolutionarily constrained relative to synonymous sites. However, I also use an extension to the McDonald–Kreitman test3 to
show that a substantial fraction of the nucleotide divergence in
these regions was driven to fixation by positive selection (about
20% for most intronic and intergenic DNA, and 60% for UTRs).
On the basis of these observations, I suggest that a large fraction of
the non-translated genome is functionally important and subject
to both purifying selection and adaptive evolution. These results
imply that, although positive selection is clearly an important facet
of protein evolution, adaptive changes to non-coding DNA might
have been considerably more common in the evolution of
D. melanogaster.
The high degree of protein sequence similarity between phenotypically diverged species has led some to propose that regulatory
evolution may be of considerably more importance than protein
evolution4,5. Although most of the typical eukaryotic genome is
comprised of non-coding DNA, comparatively little is known
about the evolutionary forces acting on it. Some unknown fraction
of the non-translated genome is presumed to be crucial for the
regulation of gene expression. Most of our direct knowledge regarding the evolution of regulatory elements comes from a handful of
direct functional studies5,6. A second, indirect approach is based on
comparative genomics7
. The rationale for this second approach is
that if newly arising mutations are typically detrimental to gene
function, functionally important parts of the genome are expected to
evolve more slowly than those lacking function8–11.
There are some limitations to the comparative genomics
approach. First, a given genomic region might be conserved owing
simply to a lower mutation rate12. Second, known regulatory
elements do not seem to be particularly well conserved as a class,
at least in Drosophila10. This fnding suggests that taking an approach
based on sequence conservation alone may lead to a biased view of
regulatory evolution. Functionality of DNA sequences implies that
they can be subject to both negative and positive selection. If a
signifcant fraction of divergence between species observed in noncoding DNA is positively selected rather than selectively neutral or
constrained, this could lead to underestimates of the functional
importance of non-coding DNA and cause researchers to overlook
the contribution of arguably the most interesting class of mutations
in genome evolution—those refecting adaptive differences between
populations and species.
These limitations can be overcome by combining comparative
genomic analyses with population-level variability data1–3,13. To
assess the mode of selection acting on non-coding DNA, I have
analysed new and previously published polymorphism data for 35
coding fragments (average length 667 base pairs (bp)) and 153 noncoding fragments (average length 426 bp) scattered across the
X chromosome of D. melanogaster (see Supplementary Materials 1).
To estimate levels of between-species divergence, I have compared
D. melanogaster with its closely related sibling species, D. simulans.
On the basis of the current Drosophila genome annotation (release
4), I separated the surveyed fragments into several categories that are
likely to differ in the intensity and mode of selection acting on them
(see Table 1). It is apparent that most non-coding DNA evolves
considerably slower than synonymous sites (that is, sites in proteincoding sequences at which mutations do not result in amino acid
substitutions; Table 1). This is the case for introns and UTRs (see also
refs 14–16), as well as intergenic DNA, much of which is far from the
closest known gene (see Supplementary Materials 1). I estimate levels
of constraint in Drosophila non-coding DNA to be 40% for introns,
50% for intergenic regions (IGRs), and 60% for UTRs (Table 2).
These are all considerably higher than previous estimates from a
variety of species comparisons11,15–18 . The non-coding DNA
surveyed is also generally less polymorphic than synonymous sites
in D. melanogaster (Table 1; p , 10210, Wilcoxon two-sample test for
UTRs and intronsþIGRs versus synonymous sites). Thus, both
polymorphism and divergence in non-coding DNA are signifcantly
reduced relative to synonymous sites in D. melanogaster.
Reduced levels of polymorphism and divergence in non-coding
DNA resemble general patterns of protein evolution19 and suggest
that non-coding DNA is either functionally constrained or is subject
to a lower mutation rate than synonymous sites. One way to
distinguish between these two models is to consider the distribution
of polymorphism frequencies. Negative selection acting on polymorphic variants will keep them at lower frequencies in a population
than expected if they were neutral20. Consistent with this prediction,
the distribution of polymorphism frequencies at both non-coding
DNA and amino acid sites is skewed towards rare frequencies relative
to synonymous polymorphisms (as indicated by a more negative
Tajima’s D value20, Fig. 1). The distribution of Tajima’s D values for
non-synonymous sites among loci is negatively skewed relative to
synonymous sites, suggesting that amino acid polymorphisms are
subject to purifying selection (Fig. 1; p ¼ 0.002, Wilcoxon twosample test versus synonymous sites). Here I show that this
same pattern extends to polymorphisms in non-coding DNA
(Fig. 1; Wilcoxon test versus synonymous sites: pooled non-coding,
p ¼ 0.0001; UTRs, p , 0.0001; introns, p ¼ 0.001; IGRs, p ¼ 0.005).
This fnding, together with the observed reduction in polymorphism
and divergence, implies that mutations in non-coding DNA are
subject, on average, to stronger negative selection than synonymous
sites (see also Supplementary Materials 2).
Does selective constraint alone account for patterns of non-coding
DNA evolution? McDonald and Kreitman3 have proposed a frame1
Section of Ecology, Behavior and Evolution, Division of Biological Sciences, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
LETTERS NATURE|Vol 437|20 October 2005
Table 1 | Polymorphism and divergence in coding and non-coding DNA of D. melanogaster
Mutation class No. of regions Mean p* Mean Dxy† D‡ P§ pk P’{ p#
Synonymous 35 2.87 13.59 604 502 2 323 2
Non-synonymous 35 0.18 1.72 260 115 ,1026 52 ,1029
Non-coding 153 1.06 5.94 3,168 2,386 0.14 1,295 ,1023
UTRs 31 0.54 4.54 471 246 ,1025 107 ,10211
UTRs 18 0.61 5.41 328 160 ,1025 71 ,1029
UTRs 13 0.45 3.35 143 86 0.034 36 ,1024
Introns 72 1.25 6.71 1,564 1,221 0.39 675 0.010
IGRs 50 1.11 5.72 1,133 919 .0.5 513 0.059
pIGRs 20 1.29 6.58 500 400 .0.5 237 0.25
dIGRs 30 0.99 5.18 633 519 .0.5 276 0.041
IntronsþIGR 122 1.19 6.25 2,697 2,140 0.50 1,188 0.013
Mutation classes: synonymous sites, non-synonymous sites, untranslated transcribed regions (UTRs), intergenic regions within 2 kb of a gene (pIGRs), intergenic regions more than 4 kb away
from a gene (dIGRs).
*p is the weighted average within-species pairwise diversity per 100 sites.
†Dxy is the weighted average pairwise divergence per 100 sites between D. melanogaster and D. simulans, corrected for multiple hits (Jukes–Cantor). Dxy at fourfold degenerate synonymous
sites is 12.0%.
‡D is the estimated number of fxed differences between species using a Jukes–Cantor correction for multiple hits (see Methods).
§P is the number of intraspecifc polymorphisms.
kMcDonald–Kreitman test of probability using all polymorphisms.
{P’ is the number of intraspecifc polymorphisms excluding singletons.
#McDonald–Kreitman test of probability excluding singleton polymorphisms. Probabilities are from two-tailed Fisher’s exact tests and assume sites are independent. These are likely to be only
slight underestimates given probable levels of intragenic recombination (see Supplementary Materials 2).
work to distinguish neutrality (and variation in mutation rate) from
negative and positive selection in the genome. Their approach
compares levels of polymorphism within and divergence between
species for a putatively selected class of sites in the genome to a
neutral standard. If reduced levels of polymorphism and divergence
in non-coding DNA can be explained by a lower mutation rate, the
ratio of polymorphism to divergence should be similar to that for
synonymous sites. Positive selection will increase divergence relative
to polymorphism at selected sites, whereas negative selection is
expected to result in the opposite pattern21. Although this framework
was originally designed to detect selection within protein-coding
genes, it can be generalized to consider arbitrary classes of putatively
selected sites sampled from multiple genomic regions, including
non-coding DNA (see Supplementary Materials 2). Using all polymorphisms, there is a signifcant excess of divergence for amino
acid replacement sites (p ¼ 5 £ 1027
) and for UTRs (p ¼ 3 £ 1026
two-tailed Fisher’s exact test) but not at other subclasses of noncoding DNA (Table 1). This preliminary analysis suggests that,
similar to the pattern observed for amino acid substitutions1,2,a
signifcant proportion of nucleotide divergence at UTRs was also
driven to fxation by positive selection.
The presence of weakly negatively selected variants in polymorphism can mask the signature of adaptive evolution in the
genome1,22, making the McDonald–Kreitman test very conservative.
As I have shown above that polymorphic variants in non-coding
DNA are subject to stronger selective constraint than synonymous
sites (Table 1 and Fig. 1), negatively selected variants contributing to
polymorphism in non-coding DNA are likely to be a factor limiting
Table 2 | Functionally relevant nucleotides in non-coding DNA
Class C (%)* a(%)† p (a # 0)‡ FRN (%)§
UTRs 60.4 57.5 ,1023 83.2
UTRs 52.9 60.8 ,1023 80.9
UTRs 70.7 52.9 ,1023 86.2
Introns 39.5 19.3 0.007 51.2
IGRs 49.3 15.3 0.036 57.1
pIGRs 40.6 11.4 0.165 47.4
dIGRs 54.6 18.5 0.019 63.0
Introns þ IGR 44.2 17.6 0.013 54.0
*Constraint (C) is estimated relative to fourfold degenerate synonymous sites.
†a is the estimated fraction of divergence driven by positive selection.
‡Probabilities (a # 0) have been adjusted for effects of linkage within loci (see
Supplementary Materials 2.5).
§FRN is the inferred fraction of functionally relevant nucleotides given levels of constraint
and a (that is, FRN < C þ (1 2 C)a).
power to detect positive selection. This problem can be partially
overcome by considering only those mutations that are not rare
in a sample from both the neutral and putatively selected classes
(see ref. 23 and Supplementary Materials 2). Applying this approach
reveals a signifcant excess of divergence in UTRs and in most
other classes of non-coding DNA relative to synonymous sites
(Table 1; UTRs, p ¼ 5 £ 10212; introns, p ¼ 0.01; dIGRs, p ¼ 0.04;
intronsþIGRs, p ¼ 0.01). A Hudson–Kreitman–Aguade´ (HKA)
test24 also provides statistical support for a reduced ratio of polymorphism to divergence for non-coding DNA relative to synonymous sites (UTRs, p , 1023
; pooled introns and IGRs, p ¼ 0.02; see
Supplementary Materials 2). Together, these results show that a
signifcant fraction of the divergence in UTRs, introns and intergenic
DNA was probably driven to fxation by positive selection.
To quantify the intensity and the relative importance of positive
selection in shaping the evolution of non-coding DNA, I apply two
extensions of the McDonald–Kreitman approach2,13. First I estimate
a, defned as the proportion of the divergence between species that
was driven by positive selection2
. I estimate that about 20% of the
nucleotide divergence in introns and intergenic DNA was driven to
fxation by positive selection, and about 60% for UTRs (Fig. 2a and
Table 2). Using a hierarchical bayesian framework13, I estimate the

Figure 1 | Mean Tajima’s D values for coding and non-coding DNA. Means
across loci are given with bars indicating two standard errors. The
expectation of D under the neutral model is shown as a dotted line. Syn,
synonymous sites; NonSyn, non-synonymous sites; NonCod, pooled
non-coding DNA.
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE|Vol 437|20 October 2005 LETTERS
selection intensity on non-coding DNA (including UTRs, introns
and IGRs) to be positive and signifcantly different from zero in most
cases (Fig. 2b; Supplementary Materials 3). As this bayesian approach
assumes that segregating and fxed variants are subject to the
same direction and intensity of selection, it is likely to underestimate
the magnitude of 2Nes (the intensity of selection) for nucleotide
substitutions fxed by positive selection (see Supplementary
Materials 2).
Evidence that a signifcant fraction of non-coding DNA is functionally important is emerging from a variety of comparative
genomic studies. However, my fnding of a large fraction of positively
selected divergence implies that ‘evolutionary constraint’ will substantially underestimate the fraction of functionally relevant nucleotides because it ignores the contribution of positively selected
mutations to divergence. For the example of UTRs, I estimate
evolutionary constraint to be 60%. However, as 58% of the observed
divergence was positively selected, this implies that 83% of nucleotides in UTRs are in fact functionally relevant. Likewise, the fraction
of functionally relevant nucleotides in introns and IGRs is likely to be
about 10–20% higher than suggested by levels of constraint alone
(Table 2).
How frequent is adaptation in the Drosophila genome? Rough
calculations (see Supplementary Materials 4) suggest that there has
been about one adaptive amino acid substitution every 20 years since
the split of D. melanogaster and D. simulans (see also ref. 2). Although
this is substantial, consider that the total number of sites contained in

Figure 2 | Quantifying adaptive divergence and selection intensity.
a, Estimates of a, the fraction of nucleotide divergence driven by positive
selection. Error bars indicate 90% confidence limits determined by a nonparametric bootstrapping. Estimated probabilities that a $ 0 corrected for
partial linkage are given in Table 2. b, Estimates of the intensity of selection
(2Nes) acting on non-synonymous and non-coding DNA sites. Error bars
indicate 90% confidence limits determined by simulation (see Methods).
Singleton polymorphisms were excluded in estimates of a and 2Nes (see
Supplementary Materials 3). Abbreviations as in Fig. 1.
introns, intergenic regions and UTRs far outweighs the number of
codons in the Drosophila genome25. I estimate that UTRs alone
contribute as much to adaptive divergence between species as do
amino acid changes, and the summed contribution of non-coding
DNA to adaptive divergence could easily be an order of magnitude
larger. These fndings support previous intuitions4,5 about the great
importance of regulatory changes in evolution.
Data. All loci used in this study, previously published or newly collected, are
X-linked genomic fragments, with a sample size of 12 D. melanogaster alleles
sampled from a population in Zimbabwe, and a single D. simulans sequence.
For coding DNA (synonymous and non-synonymous sites), I collected polymorphism and divergence in 31 coding regions selected randomly with respect
to gene function, and 51 non-coding regions (27 intergenic and 24 untranslated
transcribed regions). Information about these 82 loci and primers used can be
found in Supplementary Materials 1. I used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to
amplify 700–800-bp regions from genomic DNA extracted from single male fies,
removed primers and nucleotides using exonuclease I and shrimp alkaline
phosphatase, and sequenced the cleaned product on both strands using Big-Dye
(Version 3, Applied Biosystems). Sequences were collected on an ABI 3730
capillary sequencer and were aligned and edited using the program Sequencher
(Gene Codes).
To the 82 regions surveyed above, I added previously published data for
loci that had the same sample size (n ¼ 12 fies) and were surveyed in similar
samples from Zimbabwe26,27. A number of the previously published loci26 had
to be functionally reassigned when compared to Release 4 of the annotated
D. melanogaster genome (
html). I excluded any loci in regions of reduced recombination (see below).
Previously published loci ftting these requirements were processed into 106
fragments (4 coding, 7 UTR, 23 intergenic and 72 intron). Thus, the total
number of regions surveyed in this analysis is 188. Alignments for each locus
are available upon request. A reciprocal best-hit BLAST protocol was used to
confrm that the regions compared between D. melanogaster and D. simulans
are indeed orthologous. Extra gaps were introduced into some alignments in
regions that were particularly diffcult to align. This procedure is likely to
upwardly bias estimates of constraint, but is conservative with respect to
detecting positive selection.
Analyses. The estimated number of synonymous sites, non-synonymous sites,
average pairwise diversity (p), average pairwise divergence (Dxy), as well as
counts of the number of polymorphic sites (P) were performed using DnaSP
software (version 4; and Perl code written by P.A. The
number of divergent sites (D) was estimated as Dxy 2 p using a Jukes–Cantor
correction for multiple hits. Multiply hit sites were included in the analysis but
insertion–deletion polymorphisms and mutations overlapping alignment gaps
were excluded. Derived mutations were polarized using a single D. simulans
sequence and assuming standard parsimony criteria. Tajima’s D value20 was
estimated from the number of polymorphisms and p.
In this study, I assume that synonymous sites are more neutral than putatively
selected classes of sites (see Supplementary Materials 2.2). I separated noncoding DNA into subclasses that I expected a priori to experience different
selection pressures: 50 and 30
untranslated transcribed regions (UTRs), introns,
intergenic regions within 2 kilobases (kb) of a gene (proximal intergenic regions,
pIGRs), and intergenic regions further than 4 kb from the nearest gene (distal
intergenic regions, dIGRs). My sample of intron fragments is biased towards
introns larger than the median intron size (86 bp) (ref. 28), making estimates of
constraint higher than expected with a random sample of introns14. However,
95% of intronic DNA is contained within introns longer than the median size28,
and thus my estimate refects levels of constraint for most intronic DNA in the
For comparisons of polymorphism and divergence between synonymous
sites and non-coding DNA, it was necessary to pool sites in each class. I estimate
evolutionary constraint relative to fourfold degenerate synonymous sites using
the approach in ref. 15, except that I pooled classes of sites and used a Jukes–
Cantor correction for multiple hits19. Given differences in base composition
between coding and non-coding regions, I investigated possible differences in
mutations rates owing to the 16 possible adjacent-base contexts of nucleotides
(suggested by A. Kondrashov). There was no signifcant effect of adjacent-base
context on rates of divergence (see Supplementary Materials 5).
I estimate the proportion of divergence driven by positive selection1,2 as
a ¼ 1–(DSPX/DXPS), where S denotes synonymous (that is, putatively neutral)
P P n n sites, X denotes putatively selected sites, and D ¼ i¼1 and P ¼ Pi D , i i¼1
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group

LETTERS NATURE|Vol 437|20 October 2005
where Di and Pi are the number of divergent and polymorphic variants at locus i,
respectively, and n is the number of loci of class S or X. Confdence limits on a
were estimated using a standard non-parametric bootstrapping procedure,
assuming sites are independent. The issue of non-independence of sites within
surveyed fragments is addressed in Supplementary Materials 2.5. For consistency, a was estimated for non-synonymous sites in the same way. The intensity
of selection (2Nes) was estimated on putatively selected classes (pooling sites as
above) using a hierarchical bayesian method (
To avoid problems associated with large-scale variation in recombination rates, I
restricted my survey of loci to regions of the X chromosome that have the highest
rates of recombination29 (see Supplementary Fig. 1.1).
Received 23 May; accepted 2 August 2005.
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Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at
Acknowledgements The author thanks D. Bachtrog for extensive comments on
the manuscript and help with data quality issues, C. Bustamante and K. Thornton
for providing code, and B. Ballard for Zimbabwe fy lines. P. Haddrill and
K. Thornton assisted in designing primers for distal intergenic and coding
regions, respectively. Thanks to B. Fischman for technical help, A. Betancourt,
A. Kondrashov, A. Poon, D. Presgraves, M. Przeworski and S. Wright for critical
comments on the manuscript, and L. Chao and J. Huelsenbeck for advice.
Thanks also to the Washington University Genome Sequencing Center for
providing unpublished D. simulans sequences. This work was funded in part by a
research grant from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
(UK) to P.A. The author is supported by an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship in
Molecular and Computational Biology.
Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at The author declares no competing
fnancial interests. Correspondence and requests for materials should be
addressed to P.A. (
© 2005 Nature Publishing Group

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