Posted: December 11th, 2022
Symbolize the following categorical syllogism
Symbolize the following categorical syllogism. Make sure that each translated statement follows the standard form for categorical statements. “Some philosophers are bad at love because some philosophers are impassionate and unsentimental people, and all impassionate and unsentimental people are bad at love.” Draw the diagram for the categorical syllogism.
Sample Answer:
The given categorical syllogism can be symbolized as follows:
Some philosophers are impassionate and unsentimental people.
All impassionate and unsentimental people are bad at love.
Therefore, some philosophers are bad at love.
The symbolic representation of the categorical statements in the standard form is as follows:
Some philosophers are impassionate and unsentimental people.
This statement can be represented as P1 (where P represents philosophers and 1 represents the property of being impassionate and unsentimental).
All impassionate and unsentimental people are bad at love.
This statement can be represented as 1M (where 1 represents the property of being impassionate and unsentimental and M represents the property of being bad at love).
Therefore, some philosophers are bad at love.
This statement can be represented as P2 (where P represents philosophers and 2 represents the property of being bad at love).
The diagram for this syllogism is as follows: