Posted: April 20th, 2022
SWK4I06 Social Policy 2022Assessment: Briefing paperDue
SWK4I06 Social Policy 2022Assessment: Briefing paperDue
SWK4I06 Social Policy 2022
Assessment: Briefing paper
Due dale: Midnight 22nd April
Word Count: 1400- IMO words |
Submit your assignment through the Turnitin portal under the assessment tab
This assessment draws on the work you have done for Assignment 1; it aims to broadly develop skills in critical appraisal, policy analysis, activism and written communication.
You can use the policy case and your SEEP template analysis for this paper, or you can choose to do one of the other policy cases, drawing on the template of your colleagues from other groups. The decision is entirely yours.
You will need to decide WHO the briefing paper is being written by and for whom (ie. the audience). The Indue Cashless Debit Card was the example used for Assign 1. A briefing paper on the same topic is given as an example for Assign 2; it is written by the St Vincent de Paul Society (most likely the CEO) and the audience for the paper is the general public.
You might want to be more specific and address your briefing paper to a particular government politician, opposition politician, political candidate, non-government agency CEO, bureaucratic departmental head, business leader or an activist lobby group. The choice is yours.
As you can sec from the example, a briefing paper is concise and aims to provide a coherent explanation of the issue in such a manner that the audience (ie. those being briefed) arc folly informed and able to make a judgement or decision around the matter at hand, depending on the scenario and their position within the policy making process.
The information provided in a briefing paper assists activists and decision makers to review current policies, develop new policies or policy positions at election time, or to terminate (or advocate for the termination) of existing policies.
Assessment: Briefing paper SWK4I06 Social Policy 2022 SWK4I06 Social Policy 2022 Assessment: Briefing paper is due.
Due date: April 22nd, 12:01 a.m.
Word Count: 1400-IMO |
Submit your assignment via the Turnitin portal’s assessment tab.
This assessment builds on the work you completed for Assignment 1 and aims to broaden your skills in critical thinking, policy analysis, activism, and written communication.
For this paper, you can use the policy case and your SEEP template analysis, or you can do one of the other policy cases, drawing on the template of your colleagues from other groups. It is entirely up to you to make this choice.
You must determine WHO is writing the briefing paper and FOR WHOM (ie. the audience). The Indue Cashless Debit System