Posted: October 13th, 2022
SWK 530 Anti-Opression
Students must write a 5-page paper on the importance of Anti-Oppression Social Work practice within the context of their “Field Practicum” and the importance of adhering to this type of practice. Students should include (5 Literary, Scholarly Sources) and be sure to give examples of how they will “check their privilege” in their administration of social services. Please be sure to reference your anti-oppression articles.
Rubric- Please be sure to review the rubric carefully prior to starting your assignment. Following the rubric will yield the most potential for earning a higher grade.
SWK 530
Grading Rubric
Anti-Oppression Social Work Practice Paper – 200 Points
Students must write a 5-page paper on the importance of Anti-Oppression Social Work practice within the context of their “Field Practicum”, and the importance of adhering to this type of practice. In your paper, please describe what anti-oppressive social work practice is and its importance. Demonstrate that you understand the tenants and terminology of anti-oppressive practice. Briefly describe your field practicum agency and community. Discuss anti-oppressive social work practice in the context of the field agency. Students should include (5 Scholarly Literary Sources), and be sure to give examples of how they will “check their privilege” in their administration of social services. NOTE: If you are not currently enrolled in a field placement, you may select “Option B” on the rubric to complete your paper. (Competency 3)
Rubric- Please be sure to review the rubric carefully prior to starting your assignment. Following the rubric will yield the most potential for earning a higher grade. To view your rubric for this assignment, click on the assignment title under this week in blackboard. On the right/middle of the page, near the points possible for this assignment, you’ll see a little button that says “View Rubric”. Click that button and the rubric used to grade the assignment will appear. I will grade your assignment exactly from the rubric. Thank you and good luck!
Instruction Feedback Possible Points Earned Points
Brief summary of the main points of the paper letting the reader know what to expect.
Describe what anti-oppressive social work practice is and its importance. Demonstrate that you understand the tenants and terminology.
*Anti-Oppression in Field:
(Choose to write on Option A or B. Please clearly note clearly on the heading of your paper which option you are responding to in your paper. Option B is reserved for students with summer block practicum.)
Option A:
Briefly describe your field practicum agency and community. Discuss anti-oppressive social work practice in the context of the field agency. Demonstrate you understand the importance of this type of practice.
Option B:
Describe why adopting an anti-oppressive practice is important for your role as a social worker, serving marginalized populations. Describe 3 specific anti-oppressive practices you would implement; one at the micro, one mezzo, and one macro level of your social work practice. Demonstrate how you will integrate an anti-oppressive approach clinically when serving your clients as well as when developing policy affecting marginalized populations.
Reference the assigned readings and other relevant scholarly material. (A minimum of 5 scholarly sources are required). 25
Use the headings provided in this rubric and present organized sentences and paragraphs. First person is acceptable. All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. No errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. APA style formatting is required for your paper. 25
Total 200