Posted: November 29th, 2022
Survey of Knowledge Sharing Practices
Assignment 3
Survey of Knowledge Sharing Practices
This assignment is aimed at surveying the best practices related to knowledge sharing focusing on knowledge networks, communities of practices, pro-sharing culture or knowledge friendly policies. These are referred to in this assignment as knowledge sharing structures. Students will find examples of using these structures (network, community of practices, or policies and mechanism for promoting knowledge sharing) in selected organizations, industries, or sectors.
Students will review the information compiled from different sources on the selected structure/policies in selected organizations and prepare a 15-minute presentation through their preferred method (PowerPoint slides or Speaking Notes). Dates for presentations of assignments are listed in the course schedule. A follow up writeup will be required to be sent by email.
At least five examples are required to be found and described. No specific format is required for submission. Students can use their professional judgement and present the description in their preferred style. The submission is expected to provide all necessary details about the chosen knowledge sharing structure in a professional manner. The size of the report may vary according to the chosen format. A reasonable submission is expected to range from 4-5 pages. Appropriate references to sources used are expected to be cited in accordance with the accepted citation practices.
Use APA style 7th edition