Posted: April 3rd, 2022
Supreme Court Resume and Cover Letter Assignment | Homework For You
Supreme Court Resume and Cover Letter Assignment Overview: Students will be assigned one of the current 9 Supreme Court Justices, to research. Based on their research students will need to construct a Resume and Cover Letter, as if they were the Justice they have been assigned. Guidelines and Requirements: Students will print and bring cover letters and resumes to class, on the due date assigned. Students must have this assignment printed, with all components, in order to receive credit, as well as participate in round table discussion.
You do not need to include an in-text citation for every detail you put on the Resume or Cover Letter, but you must include separate works cited or bibliography. You may use MLA, APA or Chicago style, as long as you are consistent throughout your citations. You may format your resume, however you prefer, so long as, AT LEAST, to following information is included. ï‚· Objective ï‚· Educational Background : from high school onward, make sure to include years attended, type of degree obtained, and GPA ï‚·
Work Experience (volunteer work and internships should be included here, if it is pertinent to the position you are applying for, as a Supreme Court Justice) : include a brief summary of roles, responsibilities and duties of nature of work, job title, company name, and years worked ï‚· Awards, Honors and Achievements ï‚· Hobbies Additional Information to note. In preparation for class assignment and round table discussions ï‚· When appointed to Supreme Court (year) ï‚· Appointing President and Presidents Party ï‚· How many R vs. D Senators voted yay and nay ï‚· Religion ï‚· Marital Status ï‚· Gender ï‚· Age ï‚· Years served on Supreme Court ï‚· Degree ï‚· What political party and ideology (liberal or conservative) you think your individual would be, and reasons why ï‚·
When interpreting the Constitution do you expect them to be a strict constructionist or liberal progressivism ï‚· Attitude towards the following issues: (I do not expect you to know particular cases in full detail, just based on your research, if you think they would support or oppose regulation on each item, given possible past cases they have decided on, or opinions that they have said or written. A good place to research their opinions is youtube. Google the name of your justice and see if they have conducted any interviews.) o Gun Control o Economic Regulation o First Amendment meaning of freedom of speech and religious freedom o Healthcare o Abortion. Business Law homework help