Posted: April 20th, 2022
Support your point of view with citations from two sources.
Does an instructor’s own learning style preferences affect the way the instructor teaches? Does it matter?
Support your point of view with citations from two sources. One must be a peer-reviewed source (textbooks are not peer-reviewed sources), and the other may be any credible source, including educational websites. Please include APA-style (7th edition) references for your two sources within your post. Hanging indent for your references is not required.
Does an instructor’s own learning style preferences influence how he or she teaches? Does it make a difference?
Citations from two sources should be used to back up your point of view. One must be a peer-reviewed source (textbooks are not peer-reviewed), while the other can be any credible source, including educational websites. Please include APA-style (7th edition) references in your post for your two sources. It is not necessary to use a hanging indent for your references.