Posted: April 3rd, 2022
Support Planning for Geriatric Health Conditions
Custom Research Paper Topics: Essay Writing Service
- Joan Ravella
- Ingred Tuico
- Jelson Villaflor
- Frankie William Lee
- Swapnil Patel
- Swapnil Hundekari
- Francis Earl Esparis
(Jelson Villaflor)
A poor mental health contains the range from depression to severe and enduring mental illnesses; it also embraces people who have dementia. This will address the ‘people experiencing poor mental health, counting people with dementia’ population group and how we could recover the service we give to them. The patients and their families’ legal rights must be involved in their treatment. In succeeding a good or outstanding service, you have to have actions which practices should consider to evidence they are meeting the needs of people with poor mental health, including dementia, and what outstanding necessities may also be offered. You have to regularly work with multi – disciplinary or professional people and carry out in advance a care planning whenever possible. There should be an assurance that the staffs have received training in dementia care, and they should aggressively engage with patients to inspire them for treatments. For patients who experience problems attending appointments at hectic periods consider offering appointments at quieter times, such as at the beginning or end of the day, to lessen anxiety. If the number of patients with poor mental health continues to rise, remain to make sure that health and social care services provide them with safe, operative, compassionate and high-quality care.
Issue 1
Impacts of having a poor quality service
Reputation is the universal view or trust that other citizens contain about an important person or somewhat. It is how community believes or labels a personality otherwise an association good or bad. Prolong a fine character, whether as a human being or an association, is a difficult mission since citizens in wide-ranging are pickle minded. We are simply influenced as well as frequently whispered in hearsays otherwise rumors about us which mainly of the occasion are not right or else just a fictitious anecdote.
For an organization like Kindly Residential Care Rest Home the impact of containing a reduced excellence service will significantly change its reputation since it absorbs costumer service. When we say costumer service, citizens constantly anticipate the quality service that they can acquire in return to their speculation.
Decreasing in number of clients is the primary impacts of having a reputation of poor quality service. The relatives of clients will no longer consider as well as reliance the potential of definite organization since reputation is as fragile as sparkler. Hence, in Kindly Residential Care Rest Home make sure a high-quality service is our production. We perform usual discussion, tutorial as well as trainings for our employees to maintain up with the newest development as well as typical of performing in elderly cares. In addition we offer analysis outline with proposal envelope for the relatives of our customer to recognize their fulfillment time.
The effect of low quality service will have on the institution, home-based or not will surely decide the future of the management, employees and even the clients because of the fact that there will be a lot of things that will be on the line. First is the reputation of the institution, just like running a food restaurant. If you have a bad reputation, people will not ask for your service if they deem it to be a bad and ineffective service that will only affect their well-being. Reputation is one component to be successful, be it in business, giving quality care or even love itself, because in a simple thought, “how will they even have the courage to take part in your team if you yourself have a bad reputation?” Providing low quality service on a care home will roughly kill the institution itself and the people working on that facility.
Private and Public Sector Accountabilities (Frankie Lee)
In terms of accountabilities in the private sector and public sector, we should take in mind the financial, performance and democratic effect. Financial because poor services will surely cost a lot of funds, time and money to both private and public sector. Performance as well, whatever situation or circumstances the institution is having, every action will surely have a greater effect on the company. There should be proper assessment on the supply and demand as well. Proper analysis will have to take place in terms on how accountable the institution will be if they are giving services that is not appealing to the eyes of the consumers.
Stakeholders are the ones that will have the hardest time of all because of the fact that not only did they invest their time and effort to the company; they will also receive the greatest impact of all. It is like they will lose everything if the company continues to give poor services to the consumers. The downfall will not only affect the company and its people but also the whole project, business or be it the person who has taken interest on the institution. Stakeholders will surely be the ones that will suffer the most.
Issue 2
Identified at least 2 quality management theories and techniques
Quality management theory
Quality planning (Swapnil Patel)
We establish the quality goals base on customers’ need and identify the customer, develop our service feature to the customer, and develop goal towards how to deliver that services to the client.
Than we can evaluate our actual quality performance for our client, than compare it to our goal which we already set before and if there is anything we do not achieve from our goal we research on it and have work on it to short it out. This procedure is the method for raising quality execution to uncommon levels (“leap forward”). The strategy comprises of a progression of widespread steps: Set up the framework expected to secure yearly quality change. Distinguish the particular requirements for development -the change ventures For every venture build up a task group with clear obligation regarding conveying the undertaking to a fruitful conclusion Give the asset, inspiration, and preparing required by the group to: Analyse the reason Empower foundation of cures Build up controls to hold the increases so we can serve our customer better and maintain our quality and satisfy the client and their family and also work on time management and improve quality day by day and also maintain it same or much better than yesterday. We establish a project team for a each project to make a project a successful. And also give training to our staff about the basic things like cpr and hoist training to help out any patient in emergency. So from juran 5ttrilogy we can learn a cost of poor quality which affects our business and rest home and also west our time and also we can lose our customers.
Juran proposes 10 steps to quality improvement:
- Build awareness of the need and opportunity to improve
- Set goals for that improvement
- Create plans to reach the goals
- Provide training
- Conduct projects to solve problems
- Report on progress
- Give recognition for success
- Communicate results
- Keep score
- Maintain momentum
For our rest care home we explain as medicine for management to prevent poor quality. Treat quality seriously throughout the whole business organization from top to bottom. That the companies shall be justified basing on their quality. Fitting measures and frameworks ought to be put set up for quality expenses, instruction, quality, execution, audit, and change and consumer loyalty.
The correspondence frameworks are of vital significance to impart prerequisites and particulars and change opportunities around the association. Clients and administrators recognize what should be put set up to enhance and listening to them will give you the edge. Work with and create suppliers. Procedures ought to be competent and change society ought to be the standard. Arrangements must be clear and predictable all through the business.
- Quality is conformance to requirements
- Quality comes from prevention – not detection
- The standard for Quality is Zero-Defect
- Quality is measured by the price of non-conformance
Deming (Joan Ravella)
William Deming was being considered as the father of the quality evolution in terms of quality management. Far from being a management consultant, he is also an American engineer, a teacher and an author.
He believes in being optimistic at work or demonstrating happiness at all times when doing work and eliminating such bad deeds that may affect the organization in achieving its goals. Wanting the workers to be effective and trusting what they can contribute for the success of the managements operation. He also believes in team work instead of competing with each other so that everyone works as if each is inspiring them because from then, workers may feel that they are comfortable working and willing to work in any pressure at all times. Giving recognition to workers such as simple praise may add to their drive in giving their best at work because they can feel their importance.
Deming formulated key points in management which can be considered as a useful tool in quality management within geriatric service delivery in kindly Residential Care Rest Home. Some of the important key points are as follows; purpose and goals of the entity should be clear before it started to operate as well the people made it must be knowledgeable. Another key point is having such career progression for the workers by giving them a continuous learning inside the facility. They could provide an in-service training just like what we have in kindly residential care rest home that every six months we have free fire drills, earthquake drills and we used to have meetings every week to learn something about different topics like cultures of people that can possibly be our patients.
Issue 3
Identification and justification in relation to usefulness of the best quality management tool for the geriatric service delivery
Lean management (Ingred Tuico)
For many years, various approaches has implemented in the healthcare industry to identify ways to enhance and improve the services. The organizations have used approaches in order to enhance the quality and service efficiency like continuing quality improvement. Despite this exertion, sustainable change was remained hard to understand.
There were more Canadian healthcare organizations have been using Lean principles. Lean is best known for its power to help organizations and having the desired result of application in different industries that is documented. However, in healthcare stakeholders, the right application of Lean can be hard because of service-oriented nature in industry and the part of something that is complicated in patient care processes.
Lean is patient centered approach. The end consumers of care are the healthcare patients. Most healthcare organizations preserve a devotion to patient centered service.
There are four building blocks needed to create a good foundation for a successful journey in Lean. First is making Lean language significant and meaningful. For instance, many clinics got more load of patient appointments so doctors do not wait for patients. Resulting to patients is sometimes seen at their scheduled appointments because they spend most of their free time in waiting for doctors to come. Second is lean leadership development. Implementing vision and mission for organization will transform before it can fully embrace.
Third is changing management by creating a plan for continuing and sustaining improvements of the organization. This will help organizations with the tools, changing process of ownership and being confidence they require to make the process of Lean improve in their daily routine work environment whilst helping one another in internal capacity for improvements of incoming projects. Lastly is performance measurement by building a positive outcome through Lean culture.
The coordination of Lean language and concepts with a philosophy of patient-centered is required in health care. For instance, the development of committed leadership, the intervention of a solid management approach, the development of ongoing performance that is measured, and the value of patient’s views. Canada’s healthcare organizations in healthcare realize the importance of long term benefits in this approach.
Issue 4
Justification on how to maintain a continuous improvement system for geriatric service delivery
Kindly Residential Care Rest Home learned from having involved in disciplining and participation of stakeholders in the project. This helped everyone gained knowledge and understanding of each other’s appreciation and role in caring the elderly. Also, this gave the stakeholders an understanding of Lean management in improving the rest home.
The approach of Lean is quite simple and direct to the point. It was cross-functional teams that gave guidance and allowed the employees, patients and the whole organization the benefit of Lean principles and tools to make solution of complicated problems in a healthcare setting. Employees before that have tried unsuccessfully to impress positive change by gaining relationship to the manager, they have now the chance to share their ideas and suggestions in friendly and structured surroundings where their input is respected and followed.
(Francis Earl Esparis)
Being in a healthcare team and dealing with these kinds of clients is not an easy task. But there are also some factors that could affect in giving effective health care services that includes the reputation of the facility. In line with this, if one facility has a good reputation in a certain area, more clients will be admitted therefore it could gain more income and could lead to upgrading of technology and more training will be implemented. Whereas, if one facility has the opposite situation maybe it will be force to shut down. Also the private and public sectors could help a lot in maintaining a facility due to having an option that they can lend a hand by helping financially. Lastly, the stakeholders, they are the people who are capable of helping financially in putting up a facility. If the facility fails to give good quality service, then it’s a big risk for them.
In order to give a good quality health service, one must know the theories on why it is important to have one. According to Juran, we must need to build awareness of the need and must look after the opportunity to improve. As for Crosby, quality is a conformance to requirements and it comes from prevention, not detection. And for Deming, being an optimist can give you an implication to deliver great health care service due to eliminating bad deeds.
If one must know already the theories of quality management, then it is also important to have a tool to implement it. Lean Management is one tool that focuses on the patient. It a set of philosophies and processes that aid in creating a high value for patients by lessening waste and waits. But in order for this to be successful, there must be a solid management approach. This approach is simple and direct to the point; it makes the whole healthcare team and patients the benefit of such management.