Posted: October 27th, 2022
Study Guide Plan
Study Guide Plan
Study Plan
Preparing for the National Certification Examination requires various exercises to improve my weaknesses and harness my strengths. The areas I need improvement is diagnostic testing and collecting objective and subjective information from a patient. Another area of improvement is cultural competency to enhance my cultural competency. It is important to identify the signs that I need to refer a patient to another healthcare worker or ask for assistance. Although in the past I thought it was a sign of weakness, I believe that asking for assistance it critical in meeting the needs of the patients.
The study plan will include specific strategic goals including;
1. Complete at least 50 questions on diagnostic tests and score at least 90 percent every week. Quizzing myself periodically will improve my success rate and enhance memory. It will be critical to advance my learning by using questions to identify the areas I need to improve.
2. Join a group of other students in the class to discuss cultural competency and how to deal with diverse ethical issues every week. Study groups are essential in discussing critical issues. I learn better with groups since I can ask questions that are critical for success.
Time Activity Score
Tuesday 4-6PM Complete at least 50 questions on diagnostic tests and score at least 90 percent every week.
90 percent
Thursday 4-6PM Join a group of other students in the class to discuss cultural competency and how to deal with diverse ethical issues every week.
90 percent
Friday 4-6PM Learn diverse ethical and cultural issues in the healthcare environment using practice questions. Understand how to respond to the patients and their families. 90 percent
The resources I will utilize are journals and class textbooks to improve my performance. I have been ignoring the materials posted in the class yet they provide adequate support for the students in their learning process. Journals and class textbook will provide actual information I need to use to participate in the class activities (Mundinger & Carter, 2019). For instance, accessing journals will help me access latest and evidence-based information on how to respond to various issues regarding patients. I will utilize the university library to ensure I access materials that can help me to improve my performance. The library has diverse materials that can assist students in passing their exams.
I will use videos from the university and YouTube to improve my knowledge. I learn better using videos, which makes learning memorable and enjoyable. I appreciate the role of the using diverse resources to expand my knowledge. Videos provide demonstrations and summaries of the lessons I need to acquire in the process of learning (Warner et al., 2020). Another essential resource is the code of conduct booklet. The booklet provides the ethical considerations and principles that nurses should adhere to in the process of care delivery. I will use the booklet on the code of conduct to resolve the diverse questions on ethical issues in nursing.
I will utilize online platforms such as Epocrates to improve my knowledge. The mobile medical reference app provides students and medical professionals with knowledge on drugs, diseases, diagnosis, and patient management. An annual subscription of the online app will improve my knowledge and enhance my performance during the class tests and weekly tasks (Schmuck & Cook, 2018). The app is effective since I can use it in various places while traveling or resting at home.
Mundinger, M. O. N., & Carter, M. A. (2019). Potential crisis in nurse practitioner preparation in the United States. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 20(2), 57-63.
Schmuck, H., & Cook, J. (2018). Predicting Success on the ARRT National Certification Examination Through Mock Examinations. Radiologic Science & Education, 23(1).
Warner, D. O., Isaak, R. S., Peterson-Layne, C., Lien, C. A., Sun, H., Menzies, A. O., … & Harman, A. E. (2020). Development of an objective structured clinical examination as a component of assessment for initial board certification in anesthesiology. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 130(1), 258-264.