Posted: February 11th, 2022
Part 1 250 words with one reference and include intext citation.
(Confidence Intervals, 2013)
In the video, there is a discussion about how confidence intervals can be used to infer facts from your sample to the population. Select a variable you are likely to work within your career, then using the video and the text in this course, answer the following questions:
· Describe the variable and how it might be used in your career (the example from the video is battery life).
· Explain why you would need to use a sample to infer something about the population.
· In your own words, explain why you believe that a confidence interval will accurately predict the mean of the population from which the sample was drawn?
· What would happen if the confidence interval for your chosen variable did not include the value of the population mean?
· What changes to sample would make you more certain that the confidence interval contained the value of the population mean?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
Part 2 250 words with one reference and include intext citation
(Tests of Significance, 2013)
In the video, you observed the value of statistics in determining the authorship of a newly discovered poem. Consider the video and review your course readings on statistical significance, and then select a situation in your life or career where statistics could be used to answer questions. Examples could include authorship, quality of products, or health issues. After making a selection:
o Describe the situation and the question(s) you would hope to answer using statistical tests.
o Write a null hypothesis for your question(s).
o Assume you conducted your statistical tests and were able to reject the null hypothesis. How would you interpret the results?
o Discuss whether statistical significance would mean you should change the way you approach your situation. (For example, if a new drug on the market lowered blood pressure by 2 percent and this difference was found statistically significant, would it be worth using the new drug?)
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
Part 3 250 words with one reference and include intext citation.
(Nature or Nurture, 2013)
In the video, studies of twins were used to add evidence to a debate about whether an individual’s character is formed primarily from their genetics or their environment. Review your course readings and answer the following questions related to the Nature or Nurture debate
o In your own words, explain how the use of twin studies can help to clarify whether characteristics are determined primarily by genes or environment.
o The assumption made in this debate is that factors in an individual’s genetic make-up, or in their environment, cause how they act as adults. Discuss whether you agree with that assumption and why or why not.
o In your opinion, does the high degree of correlation between the behavior of twins prove that genetics causes their behavior?
o Why might you question how well one variable predicts another, such as whether genes or environment predicts adult behavior?
o Thinking about your own life experiences, describe reasons why your genetics or childhood environment might fail to predict your current decisions and actions.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.