Posted: May 1st, 2022
STAT 134 Mini Project Rubric
STAT 134 Mini Project Rubric
1 Introduction
In this semester, one mini-project of writing a 2-3 page report will be assigned.
The objective of this mini-project is to deepen your understanding of the class
material, and to give you a sense of how the class materials can be applied to
real-world problems. 6 topics will be given below as a guideline, but you can also
choose your own topic as long as the topic is relevant to the course materials.
Students must work in pairs and submit a single joint report. We suggest you
reach out to your classmates from section, class, at the SLC, or on Piazza to
find a partner.
2 Timeline
April 1 2022, 10pm – ONLY IF your topic is not from the given 6
topics: Your topic must be approved via Private Piazza post. Please
don’t leave this to the last minute.
May 1 2022, 10pm : Due Date (one of the partners uploads on Gradescope —we don’t want duplicate submissions)
3 Detailed Instructions
• Your report should contain the following 4 elements:
1. The title and names of two authors. A footnote indicating how each
student contributed.
2. How the topic is related to the class material.
3. Proof (if applicable) and theoretical background of the topic
4. Two examples of how the topic can be applied in a real-world problem. One of the examples may be the example topic itself.
• If you choose your own topic, make sure to send a private Piazza post to
get our OK about the project.
• The report should be typed 2-3 pages plus references, and be no longer
than 3 pages.
4 Grading
You will receive a score out of 4 based on the criteria below.
4 : The report is exceptional. (Only few students will get it)
3 : The report contains all the 4 elements written above.
2 : The report only provides the proof and theoretical background OR
examples of how the topic is applied.
1 : The report does not contain enough information.
0 : Report is not submitted
5 Example Topics (Related concept)
1. Nash Equilibrium in Game theory (Expectation) 1
2. Simple linear regression (Bivariate normal, correlation) 2
3. A/B testing, Fisher exact test (Normal distribution / Counting) 3
4. The German Tank Problem (Bias Variance Trade-off) 4
5. Confidence Interval Interpretation (Parameter estimation)5
6. Harvard Medical School Survey (Bayes’ Rule)6
7. Others – some other application of a concept taught in the class.
see section 12.1
see section 9.2
see section 11.2
see sections 9.2,9.3
see section 2.4
1 Introduction to the STAT 134 Mini Project Rubric
One mini-project of producing a 2-3 page report will be assigned this semester.
The goal of this mini-project is to help you gain a better understanding of the class topic and to show you how it may be applied to real-world challenges. The following six subjects will serve as a guide, but you are free to choose your own topic as long as it is related to the course materials.
Students must collaborate in groups of two and present a single report. To locate a partner, we recommend reaching out to your students from section, class, the SLC, or Piazza.
2 Timetable
April 1 2022, 10pm – ONLY IF your topic is not from