Posted: October 15th, 2022
Space Craft Ion Drives
Space Craft Ion Drives
In some video games, spacecraft employ ion drives. Write a one page report discussing how an ion drive operates and whether it can efficiently propel a spacecraft. You will be marked on how well you explain scientific principles and the accuracy of your statements. Your report should be understandable by nonscientists. You must cite your references. They can be listed on a second page along with any diagrams. If you use internet sources, they should be reputable ones such as those associated with universities or government laboratories. ( this is a 200 level course, no big rocket theory, just use some undergraduate level science to explain)
In some video games, spacecraft employ ion drives. Write a one page report discussing how an ion drive operates and whether it can efficiently propel a spacecraft. You will be marked on how well you explain scientific principles and the accuracy of your statements. Your report should be understandable by nonscientists. You must cite your references. They can be listed on a second page along with any diagrams. If you use internet sources, they should be reputable ones such as those associated with universities or government laboratories. (THIS IS A UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL COURSE, no need for big rocket theory, I put master level just for the quality)
Ion drivers have shown to be a suitable alternative that can be used in place of chemical propulsion systems. Given their high impulse generation, Ion drivers have vey fuel demand. Moreover, the ion drivers have the ability to compete with the chemical propulsions, though their thrust is lower. Today ion drivers can be used for various purposes such as in orbit stations, mainly because they make it possible for deep space exploration, something that is not suitable with propulsion systems using chemicals (Godshall & Frederick, 2019). This discussion looks into how ion drive operates and how it can be used to efficiently propel a spacecraft.
Ion engines were first developed by NASA and they measure only 12 inches in diameter (NASA, 2019). The ion propulsion system operates in such a way that it converts space craft power into kinetic energy of ionized gas jet. The ionized gas then propels the aircraft in one direction as it exits from the other one. Ion engines are powered by Xenon gas which is odorless, colorless and chemically inert. This is possible because xenon fuel fills the engine chamber which is usually ringed with magnets and once the ion engine begins running, electrons are emitted from the cathode after which they strike the Xenon atoms. These atoms then knock away the orbiting electrons nucleus, a process that turns them into ions. The metal grids on the space craft are usually electrically charged and this electric field generates force that is able to apply a very strong pull on xenon ions. As such, the xenon ions then shoot past the meal grids at a very high speed of approximately 146,000 kmh and continues on to the engine’s back and into space (NASA, 2019). It is these exiting ions that are able to produce the strong thrust required to propel the spacecraft.
Ion drives can be used to efficiently propel a spacecraft because compared to chemical propulsion systems, they produce fuel efficiency that is 10 times more (NASA, 2019). This high level of efficiency implies that less propellant is required to complete a given mission. Moreover, it also means that the spacecraft using ion engines can lighter and smaller in size, which the launch cost, is also lower (NASA, 2019). As such, this shows that ion drives can be used to efficiently propel a spacecraft.
When developing the ion engine, NASA’s purpose was to come up with a propulsion system that would efficiently used to conduct deep sea missions. This mission was accomplished because the Ion engines offer extended performance with higher power. In the process, he ion drivers have allowed for deep space exploration, something that is not suitable with propulsion systems using chemicals. Guerra, Bertolami and Gil (2015) argue that more studies and laboratory tests continues to be conducted on the ion propulsion system with the aim of making it more lightweight, with higher power, as this will promote more efforts towards space exploration.
From the foregoing, ion drivers are suitable alternatives that can be used in place of chemical propulsion systems. The fact that they have high impulse generation with very low fuel demand gives them the ability to compete with the chemical propulsions, although their thrust is lower. In addition, ion engines have allowed for deep space exploration, something that is not suitable with propulsion systems using chemicals. As such, we can conclude that it can be used to efficiently propel a spacecraft.
Godshall, S., & Frederick, R. A. (2019). Collaborative Space and Propulsion Education: Leveraging all sectors of the space enterprise to benefit the future U.S. Space and Propulsion Workforce! AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum. doi: 10.2514/6.2019-3804
Guerra, A., Bertolami, O., & Gil, P. (2015). Comparison of Four Space Propulsion Methods for Reducing Transfer Times of Manned Mars Mission. [Physics.pop-Ph.
NASA. (2019, April 28). A Brief History of Ion Propulsion – NASA Solar System Exploration. Retrieved from