Posted: January 28th, 2022
SOP for PenTesting essay
SOP for PenTesting
Penetration Testing
Assignment title: SOP for PenTesting
Assignment Brief:
This assignment has two tasks. Task 1 is an individual task that will assess your understanding of the statutory and ethical issues surrounding penetration testing Task 2 is a group task that will assess your understanding of the pentest process itself. Please ensure that in completing these tasks you deploy the techniques you have been taught. If you produce work that is not concise and to the point, then marks may be reduced.
Task 1 (Individual work)
Task 1 is an individual exercise. It is expected that task 1 will be in the region of 1500 words. You are expected to comment on the statutory and ethical considerations of a penetration tester working in the UK. You are expected to undertake research and critically compare the published penetration testing methodologies (such as OWASP, PTES, OSSTMM…) in order to deduce their applicability for the second assignment. In order to undertake the comparison, you will have to justify your comparison criteria. The target of the second assignment will be one Linux-based webserver. Your research findings will be used in Task 2.
If you fail to provide references using the Harvard referencing style as per the University regulations, your work will be marked as superficial and it is unlikely to obtain a passing grade.
Task 2 (Group work)
Task 2 is a group exercise. As a group, you will have to decide on how you will manage this task, what roles you will each have and how you will manage change during the lifecycle of this assignment. You are expected to work together and design/develop a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), including a decision-making tree, to describe how you will undertake the second assignment. Each group member will then include the SOP and the decision tree to his/her report. In particular: intelligence gathering (target profiling), vulnerability identification and analysis, and target exploitation (including post exploitation). An SOP is defined as a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out routine operations.
I am looking for a design and for a structure (SOP). not for a lot of text.
Assessment Criteria
Task 1: Legal and ethical consideration of a penetration tester in the UK
Task 1: Comparison Criteria
Task 1: PenTest Methodology Comparison
Task 2: Group management
Task 2: SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for Task 2
Task 2: Decision Making Tree for Task 2
Submission Requirements:
You are required to submit a docx report. You are expected to demonstrate an insight into the implications of the problem introduced in each task by using clear and concise arguments. The report should be well written, showing good skills in creativity and design. Sentences should be of an appropriate length and the writing style should be brief but informative.
The following report structure is expected:
Task 1.
Task 2.
References, (aim for at least of 20 references!).
Appendixes (optional but advisable).
PenTesting Penetration Testing SOP
SOP for PenTesting is the title of the assignment.
Brief description of the task:
There are two parts to this assignment. Task 1 is a one-on-one assessment of your knowledge of the legal and ethical problems surrounding penetration testing. Task 2 is a group activity that will evaluate your knowledge of the pentesting procedure. Please make sure you use the strategies you’ve learned to complete these assignments. Marks may be deducted if you produce material that is not concise and to the point.
1st task (Individual work)
Task 1 is a one-on-one exercise. The word count for assignment 1 is projected to be around 1500 words. You’ll be asked to remark on a penetration tester’s legal and ethical responsibilities.