Posted: March 17th, 2023
Socw 6361 wk 11 discussion 1: policies and the influence of values | SOCW 6361 – Social Policy: Analysis and Advocacy | Walden University
SOCW 6361 wk 11 Discussion 1: Policies and the Influence of Values
Ideology, politics, and the influence of values often override evidence-based policy. When there is evaluation conflict, a policy advocate must be prepared to defend his/her reasons for wanting to implement a policy. Because almost all proposed policies are circumscribed by politics (for reasons brought up by Jansson throughout the course when discussing the subtleties of policy implementation), you should be prepared for some conflict, ranging from having your research ignored, to having the accuracy of your data questioned, to having your personal values brought into question.
In this Discussion, you consider the assertion that the evaluation of specific policies is often strongly influenced by values. You also examine and evaluate ways to mitigate evaluation conflict to defend the feasibility of your policy.
Questions in bold then answers
Post a response to Jansson’s assertion that evaluating specific policies is strongly influenced by values with respect to the case of the evaluation of special services.
How do the values of evaluation conflict adhere to social work values?
What practices would you use to defend the feasibility of and effectiveness of your evidence-based policy?
APA intext citations and full references
Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.
Chapter 14, “Assessing Policy: Toward Evidence-Based Policy During Task 8” (pp. 488-503)