Posted: April 20th, 2022
Sociology students should know how to organize their writing to present
SOC-436 Research Proposal Outline
Sociology students should know how to organize their writing to present a research proposal. This assignment will help you learn this skill. Complete the sections below as directed, citing scholarly sources where needed.
Assignment Directions:
Use this outline below as a template to complete this assignment. You will fill in the missing portions needed to write a research proposal based on your research question and selected type of research. This outline will help you write the Research Proposal rough draft due in Topic 6:
Write your research question related to a social institution of your choice (Those in the Hispanic Experience or the African American Experience minors, should select a topic in line with their minor.):
I. Title: Social Problem/Issue
Describe the social institution and stratification (50-75 words).
II. Introduction:
Provide information about your topic: Background information, prevalence, and scope of the social institution. Explain the current status of the social institution and changes that need to be made here in this section of your paper (200-250 words).
III. Literature Review: Explain the results of your exploration of what has already been studied and what gaps exist in the research that has already been done about the social institution and stratification you have identified (150-200 words)
IV. Methods: Describe how you will perform a content analysis and/or secondary data analysis (100-150 words).
V. Implications: Explain here why this research is important. Explain how the social institution you chose contributes to the social stratification of the United States for better and for worse. What policies need to be changed or addressed to improve the social institution? Describe the implications of the proposed policy change (200-250 words).
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Outline of SOC-436 Research Proposal
Students of sociology should understand how to organize their writing in order to present a research proposal. This assignment will assist you in developing this skill. Fill out the sections below as instructed, citing scholarly sources as needed.
Directions for the Assignment:
To complete this assignment, use the outline below as a guide. Based on your research question and chosen type of research, you will fill in the blanks to write a research proposal. This outline will assist you in writing the rough draft of your Research Proposal due in Topic 6:
Write your research question about a social institution of your choice (Those minoring in Hispanic Experience or African American Experience should choose a topic related to their minor):
I. Title: Social Issue/Problem