Posted: April 20th, 2022
Social-Learning Theory and Violence
Social-Learning Theory and Violence
Chapter 11 of your text references Bandura’s social-learning theory and the famous
Bobo doll experiment. More recently, violent crimes such as mass shootings are often
associated with violent video games played by the perpetrator.
Read the Web sites listed below (and any additional ones you find), and then write an
essay of at least 800 words explaining basic social learning theory. What are Bandura’s
four basic processes? What evidence supports Bandura’s theory? Explain the basic
argument presented by those who believe that violent video games foster violent acts.
Finally, present evidence whether or not there is evidence to suggest that playing violent
video games leads to real-life violence.
Here are some links to get you started:
Video (Bandura and Social Learning):
Violence and Social-Learning Theory
Your text’s Chapter 11 refers to Bandura’s social-learning theory, as well as the well-known
Experiment with Bobo dolls Violent crimes, such as mass shootings, have become more common in recent years.
associated with the perpetrator’s participation in violent video games
Read the websites listed below (and any others you come across), and then write an essay.
At least 800-word essay explaining basic social learning theory. What are Bandura’s theories?
four fundamental procedures? What evidence is there to back up Bandura’s theory? Explain the fundamentals.
Those who believe that violent video games encourage violent behavior present an argument.
Finally, present evidence to show whether or not there is evidence to suggest that playing violent video games is harmful.
video games leads to real-life violence.
Here are some links to get you started: