Posted: May 3rd, 2023
Social issues you could choose to focus on include: housing affordability homelessness domestic violence
Step 1
Note: if you are sticking with the same topic area you chose for Assignment 1A you may skip this step.
Begin by choosing a focus area, or topic, (i.e. a current social issue in Australia) that is of genuine interest to you. Some examples of current social issues you could choose to focus on include:
housing affordability
domestic violence
ageing population
drug use
asylum seeker policy.
Your focus area should form a ‘lens’ through which you view the question:
How relevant is the sociological imagination for understanding contemporary Australian society?
Your response should clearly explain a relevant, contemporary Australian social issue. i.e. avoid a psychological perspective and outline the issue from a sociological perspective.
Step 2
Note: if you received feedback requiring improvement of your sources for Assignment 1A, or if you have changed your focus area, you may wish to complete this step again. Otherwise, continue with Step 3.
Using the Swinburne Library site, complete some preliminary research on your topic, ensuring you have also read C. Wright Mills (1978) ‘The sociological imagination’ (PDF 626 KB) and locate a minimum of three relevant academic sources (not including C. Wright Mills) to use in Assignment 1B. For more information on how to undertake successful research, review the Researching your assignment topic page. It could be useful to start by thinking of some key terms relating to your focus area, and searching for those key words in the Sociology database.
Reference your sources using Swinburne Harvard Style. Review the Swinburne Harvard style guide for more information on how to reference correctly. You can also use the Referencing tool to help you.
Step 3
Use your completed Essay plan template (DOC 91 KB) to complete your essay. If you received feedback from your eLA on areas for improvement you should incorporate this into your essay draft. Refer to the Exemplar – SOC10004 A1b (PDF 103 KB) as a guide for your response.
Tips for success
Remember you are answering the question:
How relevant is the sociological imagination for understanding contemporary Australian society in regards to the current social issue you have chosen, either in Step 1 or Assignment 1A?
Ensure you pay particular attention to how the sociological imagination allows us to understand the social issue or problem you have selected, and explore any relevant insights that might be gained from its application. For example, in relation to growing economic inequality, the application of the sociological imagination would seek to critique perspectives focused on personal choice, failing, or financial mismanagement. This then provides us with an opportunity to examine broader structural issues that shape our chances in life.
Please ensure that your answer is framed as an academic essay, including:
Introduction (approximately 100 words)
This should include:
The context (your focus area/issue).
A brief outline of your argument (how the application of the sociological imagination helps us to understand the issue).
An outline of the main points you will discuss.
Body (approximately 600 words)
Clearly themed paragraphs (3–6 paragraphs) that cover the main points you listed in the introduction to support your argument. These points can be supported using your four academic sources.
A conclusion (approximately 100 words)
Summarise and show how your argument was consolidated in light of your discussion.
Please include your four sources (including the main C. Wright Mills source) in full Havard Style referencing. Note: your references are not included as part of your final word count.
Supporting resources
The following resources will assist you with completing this assignment:
You will need to use C. Wright Mills (1978) ‘The sociological imagination’ (PDF 626 KB) as one of your academic resources.
Check out the Student Portal’s range of useful Study Resources, specifically in the section Academic Writing and Academic Integrity.
The Essay Writing page outlines how to plan and format an academic essay.
Read this annotated Sample essay (PDF 330 KB) to see how to respond to an essay question.
The video, Building a good argument (CSULA150 2012), gives a breakdown of how to frame your argument for the essay.
The How to write an argumentative essay: Thesis statements and paragraphs (britishcouncilsg 2015) video expands on what is covered in the Essay page from the Student Portal.
Refer to the Swinburne University Swinburne Harvard style guide for referencing.
Search for articles and resources in the Swinburne University library catalogue search .
Assignment criteria
Conceptual understanding.
Research effort.
Quality of argument.
Quality of evidence.
Written expression and referencing.
Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
Assignment 1B marking guide
Criteria No Pass Pass
50-59% Credit
60-69% Distinction
70-79% High Distinction
Conceptual understanding
(20%) Did not meet criterion. Key concepts have been identified and deployed. There is evidence of a basic understanding of relevant concepts, although there are minor issues. Fluency in use of conceptual language is additionally limited. Key concepts have been identified and deployed. There is evidence of a good understanding of relevant concepts. Developing fluency in use of conceptual language is present. Key concepts have been identified and deployed. There is evidence of a very good understanding of relevant concepts. Fluency in use of conceptual language is developed. Key concepts have been identified and deployed. There is evidence of a highly developed and nuanced understanding of relevant concepts. Fluency in use of conceptual language is excellent.
Research effort
(20%) Did not meet criterion. The amount and level of research undertaken in the preparation of this work is adequate. The work evidences adequate understanding of the basic issues relevant to the topic. The amount and level of research undertaken in the preparation of this work is good. A solid attempt has been made to access pertinent sociological literature beyond basic texts. The amount and level of research undertaken in the preparation of this work is very good. The work evidences the use of good research skills in accessing quality academic papers. The amount and level of research undertaken in the preparation of this work is excellent. The student has drawn from diverse academic sources that are directly relevant to the question.
Quality of argument
(20%) Did not meet criterion. There is a genuine attempt to understand and respond to the question. There has been a genuine attempt at structuring an argument (introduction, cohesive paragraphing and conclusion). The work demonstrates a capacity to recapitulate arguments from scholarly sources. The work addresses the required task. The argument is generally clear but there may be some minor issues in relation to continuity. A capacity to evaluate scholarly arguments is apparent. The integration of argument and evidence is generally clear and developed. The work fully addresses the required task. The argument is clear, logically developed and convincing. The writing is well structured with a demonstrated capacity to evaluate and synthesise the arguments from scholarly sources. The integration of theory, argument and evidence is very good. The argument is sophisticated and persuasive. Writing is clear, logically developed and convincing. The argument is structured within a theoretical framework. The approach demonstrates flair and insight and the integration of argument and evidence is excellent.
Quality of evidence
(20%) Did not meet criterion. Evidence and examples are used sporadically in support of the argument. The evidence and examples need to move beyond the use of basic texts and readings. The argument is adequately supported by evidence and examples. The evidence and examples used in this work are verifiable and drawn from robust sources. The argument is well supported by examples and a broad evidence base. The evidence and examples used in this work are verifiable and drawn from robust sources. The work demonstrates a capacity to evaluate and synthesise ideas from a broad range of scholarly sources in order to support the writer’s main argument.
Written expression and referencing
(20%) Did not meet criterion. A genuine attempt has been made to write clearly but expression at times may obscure the author’s meaning. Referencing is accurate and consistent. There are, however, a few minor referencing errors. The work is well-written. Expression enables a clear presentation of the author’s meaning. All sources are adequately acknowledged. Correct and consistent in-text referencing is used throughout. The work is very well-written and clearly conveys the author’s meaning. All sources are acknowledged. Correct and consistent in-text referencing is used throughout. This is a fluent and succinct piece of writing of a very high academic standard. There are no referencing errors in this work.
britishcouncilsg 2015, How to write an argumentative essay – thesis statements and paragrpahs, 6 May, viewed 20 September 2017, .
CSULA150 2012, Building a good argument, 7 September, viewed 20 September 2017, .
Mills, CW 1978, The sociological imagination, viewed 16 February 2017, .
The writer should use and reference in-text citaion from Journal articals from libraries and from the book which I provide a photo of it.
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