Posted: November 23rd, 2022
Social/Emotional Health & Behaviour – Assignment 2
Social/Emotional Health & Behaviour – Assignment 2
Early Childhood Education Program – Georgian College
Course: Social Emotional Health and Behaviour ECED 2011
Professor: Deborah Sargeant
Written Report Due: Week 11
Discussions Groups: Week 11 and 12. Schedule and Groups will be posted on Blackboard under
Value: 20%
Assignment Outline – Written Report
1) Choose a topic related to Social Emotional Health and Behaviour.
2) Find information about your topic in the course textbook, Guidance of Young Children (Marion,
2019). Find two additional resources about the topic. For example, you might choose information from
another textbook, a journal article or an internet source. Make sure your sources are published within the
last 7 years.
3) Begin your report with an introductory paragraph that describes the topic you have chosen and the
resources you will be using.
4) For each resource include:
• Main points of resource
• How this information connects to social/emotional development
5) Write:
• A description of why this information is important to your role as an Early Childhood Educator
• A description of two ways you could use what you have learned about this topic in your
programming or your work with young children.
6) Describe how you plan to share this information with your classmates. Include three open ended
questions that you might ask to stimulate discussion.
7) Your assignment will be 3-4 pages of writing. You will also include a cover page and reference page.
Staple all of your pages together before submitting. Use APA format and write in full sentences (no
bullets or point form).
Assignment Outline – Discussion
Students will present their findings in small discussion groups. Discussions will be held in Weeks 11 and
12. A list of groups and your discussion date will be posted in Blackboard. Students will have 10
minutes to present their material and discuss their topic with the group.
Students must be in class and prepared to discuss their topic. Students should stay for the full class to
support their classmates. Please review the marking rubric for more information on what is required.