Posted: October 20th, 2022
Social Determinants of Health
Social Determinants of Health
1) Find a personal story about someone who has experienced challenges related to the social determinants of health. Could be a story from a personal contact, a newspaper/ magazine article or case study.
2) Answer the following questions,
a. How is their “health” portrayed in this story?
b. What can you say about the causes/determinants of health related to this person?
c. What are some additional determinants of health that could be influencing health if not mentioned in this story?
d. What model could be used to best explain the impacts of health in this story? Pick from the following models and explain how the model relates to the story.
i. individual perspective
ii. materialist
iii. lifecourse or
iv. social comparison.
e. Using a social determinants of health perspective outline some possible solutions to address the issue(s).
3) Your reflection paper should be between 500 – 600 words. Either one page single spaced or two pages double spaced.
4) Your paper should refer to sources from class, your readings, videos or additional resources. You may also draw from personal experience.
**See detailed rubric on the other side of the page for additional instructions.
0 1 2 3
Description of story/ narrative No description of story/ narrative Minimal description of story/ narrative Good description of story/ narrative Detailed, thoughtful description of story/ narrative
Description of the causes/ social determinants of health (or possible links)
No description of the causes/ social determinants of health Some description of the causes/ social determinants of health Good description of the causes/ social determinants of health
Identify model to describe the social determinants of health No model identified to describe the social determinants of health Model identified with some description of the social determinants of health Model identified with detailed description of the social determinants of health
Possible solutions to health issue or additional solutions proposed No or inadequate solutions to issue(s) Some solutions proposed for issue(s) Good, well thought out solutions proposed for issue(s)
Length, organization and grammar Not recommended length, minimal organization, no full sentences, grammatical errors Recommended length, good organization, full sentences, few or no grammatical errors
Grade _______