Posted: February 15th, 2022
SOC 355 Re Theorisation of Homelessness
SOC 355 Re Theorisation of Homelessness
I need help on this 3 articles on find the four concepts in the articles
1)The author(s) research question or the purpose of the study; be brief no more than a few sentences.
2)The research methodology used, was it quantitative or qualitative, and the specific method e.g., focus groups, interviews, questionnaires, meta-analysis, survey, mixed, etc.) also should be brief no more than a few sentences.
3)The sample size (number of participants) and the demographics (age, gender, race, offenses, etc.); this should be brief usually no more than a few sentences.
4)The findings in the article(s). This is where most of your summary should be focused. The overwhelming majority of your sentences should be devoted to the findings on the research presented in the article(s), spelled out explicitly.
Theorist Biography & Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Sheet
(Theorist Biography 5 @ 5pts ea. – Theorist/Annotated Bibliography 5 @ 5 pts. ea.)
This is a two-part assignment, both parts of these assigned writing assignments are to be completed. Below are the requirements/instructions for both Part I and Part II
Part I – students are to read the biography of the assigned theorist (see schedule at the bottom of page two below). After reading the biography in a minimum of a 1/2-page single spaced write-up students are to discuss what they found interesting about the theorist; I do not want a summary of the autobiography.
Part II – of the assignment requires going online and searching the CSUDH library electronic data base for three (3) academic research articles related to the theorist,
including studies using the theory,
studies discussing the details of the theory,
other theories developed from the theory or that expand the theory discussed in Part One.
Students may research any aspect of the theorist or their theory.
Once the academic research articles have been selected, all three (3) articles are to be cited in ASA (American Sociological Association) format. Next students are to summarize three (3) of the three (3) articles selected. These summaries should also be singled spaced with a minimum of half (1/2) a page to three quarters (3/4) of a page in length (see page two for required information to be included in your journal summary).
For the ASA formatting instruction, I will post the Purdue Owl link in Blackboard under the Content link and included the link with these directions for your convenience. All summaries are due on Friday by 11:59 p.m. in Blackboard using the Assignments Link (see due dates in the table below). Please edit and proof this assignment prior to submitting the work; this is an upper division undergraduate course; your work should reflect this status.
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• NOTE: This assignment is to be completed using Microsoft office word software, no Google Doc. or any other software will be accepted. DO NOT submit the assignment as an attachment that must be downloaded; these will not be opened or downloaded due to the risk of a virus. Assignments received in any other format or as an attachment will receive a grade of zero (0) points. Students having problems submitting the assignment please feel free to contact me for help. Below is the link for the Purdue Owl website with the ASA citation manual included.
Keywords: name of theorist i.e., Karl Marx, George Simmel, and others; sociological theories, Conflict Theory, Structural Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, Feminist Theory, AGIL imperative, dialectical philosophy
The following information must be included in your summaries of each source:
1) The author(s) research question or the purpose of the study; be brief no more than a few sentences.
2) The research methodology used, was it quantitative or qualitative, and the specific method e.g., focus groups, interviews, questionnaires, meta-analysis, survey, mixed, etc.) also should be brief no more than a few sentences.
3) The sample size (number of participants) and the demographics (age, gender, race, offenses, etc.); this should be brief usually no more than a few sentences.
4) The findings in the article(s). This is where most of your summary should be focused. The overwhelming majority of your sentences should be devoted to the findings on the research presented in the article(s), spelled out explicitly.
SOC 604 Week 5 Extending Marxism Essay
Written memos should be 2-3 single-spaced pages, 12-point font. Your memo should discuss topics or questions arising from the week’s reading. You might pull out specific passages to comment on or pull out what you see as a key concept, idea, or argument from the reading. These are thought pieces – they should be coherent, but they are not polished papers. You should end your memo by proposing at least one question for contemplation/discussion.
SOC 604 Week 5 Extending Marxism EssayCoombs, Nathan. 2015. History and Event: From Marxism to Contemporary French Theory. Edinburgh University Press. Ch 3 https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.conten…
Blanc, Paul Le and Helene C Scott. 2010. Socialism or Barbarism: The Selected Writings of Rosa Luxemburg. Pluto Press., Ch 1 https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.conten…
Lenin, Vladimir I. [1917]. The State and Revolution. Ch 1 & 5 https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.conten…
Luxemburg, Rosa. [1918]. The Russian Revolution. Ch 1, 3, 6 &8…