Posted: January 31st, 2022
Skin Cancer Prevention and Skin Self-Exams
Skin Cancer Prevention and Skin Self-Exams
Skin cancer is defined as a condition in which the skin cells develop abnormally. Its growth is frequently observed in body parts that are exposed to sunlight. It can be present in parts of the body that are not always exposed to sunlight, such as the genital area. Skin cancer can be prevented by taking the required precautions when exposed to sunlight, which includes regularly completing skin self-exams. This allows individuals to enjoy the sunshine without jeopardizing their life.
Several precautions can be taken by young adults to ensure their safety while enjoying the sunshine. To begin with, they should stay out of direct sunshine, especially during those times of the day when they observe their shadows are shorter than their own shadows. In order to accomplish this, individuals can purchase an umbrella to use when walking or resting; they can even sit under a tree or an artificial shade structure (Watson et al.,2015). Additionally, it has been established that covering up your body with clothes made of tightly woven fabric will help prevent skin cancer caused by ultraviolet radiation. Preferably, you should choose clothing with a UV protection factor (UPF) designation because these garments protect you from harmful Ultra Violet radiation. Furthermore, sunglasses can help to lessen the strength of Ultra Violet rays, which are known to cause cancer of the skin. In particular, sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection in a wraparound design are the most appropriate. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat that covers your neck, face, ears, and complete body is recommended because it protects these body areas from exposure to intense sunlight, which can cause skin cancer. Finally, wear sunscreen to help prevent Ultra Violet rays from reaching the skin and causing skin cancer to develop. Sunscreen should be applied to all exposed skin areas, including those not covered by clothing, in order to offer complete protection. As a result, taking precautions such as applying sunscreen, shading yourself from direct sunlight, and donning sunglasses and hats are recommended. When you are exposed to sunshine, it allows you to experience the benefits of the sun while also preventing skin cancer.
You may assess your cancer risk and even perform skin self-exams to find out whether you have cancer. If you see any swelling or redness that extends beyond the mole’s border, you should consult a doctor immediately. A persistent itch, soreness, or pain that comes and goes could be an indication of skin cancer. Additionally, any bulge, seeping, or bleeding anywhere on your body could indicate skin cancer, and you should see a doctor about it. The skin self-exam should be conducted using a face mirror to check the areas of your face, neck, abdomen, chest, and ears for any abnormalities. For women, you should elevate your breasts to examine the skin beneath the surface of your breasts. Second, check the underarms, palms, and tops of your hands in between your fingers and below the fingernails for any signs of infection. Third, while seated, inspect the front of your thighs, the top of your feet, under the toenails, and in between your toes. You should examine the bottoms of your feet, the calves, and the backs of your thighs one at a time, observing both legs at the same time. After that, examine your buttocks, upper and lower back genital areas, the back of your neck, and the back of your ears (Komer et al.,2013). Alternatively, you can inspect the back of the mirror with a hand mirror attached to the wall mirror. As a result, identifying your cancer risks and performing skin self-exams are critical in the prevention and detection of skin cancer.
Final thoughts: By following the precautionary precautions outlined here and performing a skin self-exam on a regular basis, you can lower your risk of developing skin cancer significantly. The use of protective measures such as caps and clothing that covers the head and other body parts is essential. Furthermore, the use of sunscreen to protect against the Ultra Violet rays that cause skin cancer has proven to be beneficial because it has resulted in a reduction in the number of cancer cases. When the skin self-exam guidelines are followed correctly, you will be able to detect abnormalities in the skin early on and begin treatment as soon as possible.
Körner, A., Coroiu, A., Martins, C., & Wang, B. (2013). Predictors of skin self-examination before and after a melanoma diagnosis: the role of medical advice and patient’s level of education. International archives of medicine, 6(1), 1-4.
Watson, M., Thomas, C. C., Massetti, G. M., McKenna, S., Gershenwald, J. E., Laird, S., … & Lushniak, B. (2015). CDC grand rounds: prevention and control of skin cancer. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 64(47), 1312-1314.