Posted: August 10th, 2022
Self-Care Wheel Worksheet
Self-Care Wheel Worksheet
Based on the results of your Self-Care Assessment, please list specific self-care behaviors in each of the six categories you feel are going well and specific behaviors you would like to improve.
• Areas that are going well:
eat regular
get regular medical care for prevention
get medical care when needed
take time to be sexual-with yourself, with a partner
wear clothes you like
take day trips or mini trips
make time away from telephone
take time off when needed
get enough sleep
take vacations
• Areas to improve:
eat healthy
get massages
dance, swim, walk, run, play sports, sing, or do some other physical activity that is fun
• Areas that are going well:
read literature
so something at you are not the expert in or in charge
notice your inner experience-listen to your thought, judgments, beliefs, attitudes, feelings
let others know different aspects of you
• Areas to improve:
make time for self reflection
have your own personal psychotherapy
write in a journal
decrease stress in your lie
engage your intelligence in a new area, e.g. go to an art museum, history exhibit, sport event, auction, theater performance
practicing receiving from others
be curious
say ‘no’ to extra responsibilities sometimes
• Areas that are going well:
Give your self affirmations, praise yourself
love yourself
re-read favorite books, re-view favorite movies
identify comforting activities, objects, people, relationships, places and seek them out
allow yourself to cry
find things to make you laugh
paly with children
• Areas to improve:
Spend time with others whose company you enjoy
Stay in contact with important people your life
Express your outrage in social action, letters, and donations marches, protest
• Areas that are going well:
Spend time with nature
Find a spiritual connection or community
Be open to inspiration
Cherish your optimism and hope
Be aware of non material aspects of life
Try in times not to be in charge or the expert
Be open to not knowing
Identify what is meaningful to you and know its place in your life
Spend time with children
Have experiences of awe
Contribute to caused in which you believe
Read inspirational literature (talks, music, etc.)
• Areas to improve:
Make time for reflection
• Areas that are going well:
Learn who you are
Figure out what you want in life
Plan short and long-term goals
Make a vision board
Go on dates
Spend time with family
• Areas to improve:
Foster friendships
Get coffee with a friend
Get out of debt
Just relax
• Areas that are going well:
Take a break during the workday (e.g. lunch)
Take time to chat with co-workers
Make quite time to complete tasks
Identify projects or tasks that are exciting ad rewarding
Set limits with your clients and colleagues
Balance your caseload so that no one day or part of a day is “too much”
Arrange your workspace so it is comfortable and comforting
Get regular supervision or consultation
Develop a non-trauma area of professional interest
• Areas to improve:
• Negotiate for your needs (benefits, pay raise)
• Have a peer support group
Please see attachment for the self-care assessment I had taken and use it in the reflection
Practicing self-care decreases the likelihood that counselors will experience burn-out. However, how we take care of ourselves before becoming counselors might look different than after.
Please write a 3 page paper reflecting on how you would like to improve your self-care over the next couple of years. Develop a concrete plan that you can implement. Please include each of the sections below:
I. Assessment Reflection
Reflect on the results of your self-care assessment. What areas or items did you score the lowest in? Why do you think these were your lowest areas? Please see attachment for the self-care assessment I had taken and use it in the reflection
II. Current Self-Care
What self-care practices do you currently engage in? How do you feel after you practice these self-care practices?
III. Self-Care Goals
How would you like to improve your self-care? What would you like your future self-care to be like?
IV. Steps to Self-Care
What steps do you need to take to meet your self-care goals? Please list and discuss concrete ways to practice and improve your self-care
V. Summary
Please summarize what you have learned by doing this self-care assignment, including both the assessment and plan.
There is no need to provide references for this reflection paper.