Posted: April 20th, 2022
Select an issue related to diversity that you see in the community
To prepare:
• Select an issue related to diversity that you see in the community in which you live or work and that you would like to research for this capstone paper.
• Locate at least seven (7) academically appropriate sources to inform your understanding of the issue and ways to address it. Three of these sources must be scholarly and peer-reviewed journal articles. The rest may be professional publications or government websites appropriate for your topic.
Then address the following in 2,000 to 2,300 words:
• Describe the issue you have chosen and how it impacts the criminal justice system and your community. (Problem Statement)
• Explain the ethics, bias, and diversity awareness implications of the issue. (Ethics, Bias, and Diversity Implications)
• Identify the central questions that guided your research. (Research Questions)
• Analyze current research in this area about the issue and ways to address it. (Literature Review)
• Based on the research, provide a policy or plan recommendation that would help address the issue through bias and diversity awareness. (Policy Recommendation)
• Explain the logistics of implementing such a policy or plan, including timeline, stakeholders, potential obstacles, and ways to overcome those obstacles. (Implementation)
• Describe the expected outcome. Be sure to explain how this policy or plan may reduce existing biases or inequities in the criminal justice system. (Positive Social Change)
Remember to integrate information from at least seven (7) academically appropriate sources, three of which must be scholarly and peer-reviewed journal articles.
• Choose an issue related to diversity that you see in your community where you live or work and would like to research for this capstone paper.
• Locate at least seven (7) academically appropriate sources to help you understand the problem and how to solve it. Three of these sources must be scholarly journal articles that have been peer-reviewed. The remainder could be professional publications or government websites relevant to your topic.
Then, in 2,000 to 2,300 words, address the following:
• Explain why you chose the issue you did and how it affects the criminal justice system and your community. (Statement of the Problem)
• Discuss the issue’s implications for ethics, bias, and diversity awareness. (Implications for Ethics, Bias, and Diversity)
• Identify the central questions that guided your research.