Posted: April 9th, 2022
See Philosophy Essay Guidelines under Modules for more instructions*
2000 words (+/- 100 words)
Include a word count (the word count does not include the quotations or bibliography).
Recommended style guide: (Links to an external site.)
*See Philosophy Essay Guidelines under Modules for more instructions*
Choose one of the following topics for your final essay.
1.Explain and examine the ethical argument for tolerance from the perspective of moral relativism or moral objectivism.
2.Argue for or against vegetarianism from a utilitarian or a Kantian perspective.
3.Argue for or against a Kantian system of ethics.
4.Why is meta-ethical moral objectivism important for Charles W. Mills? Explain and examine the role of moral objectivism for an anti-racist ethics with reference to “Black Radical Kantianism.”
5.Explain and examine Aristotle’s claim that happiness is the highest good.
6.What role does friendship have in human flourishing according to Aristotle? Explain and examine the ethical role of friendship in Nicomachean Ethics.
7.Argue for or against a moral system based on virtue ethics.
8. Explain and examine the ethics of caring with reference to Whyte and Cuomo’s article “Ethics of Caring in Environmental Ethics: Indigenous and Feminist Philosophies.”
Last time comments:
This paper at some great strengths as well as some weaknesses.
As with last time, this prose in this paper was clear and strong. However, there was much in terms of the structure of the paper that was superfluous, not because it wasn’t interesting, but because it took up room that would’ve been better occupied by something else.
Take the introduction. You are not expected in such a short essay to provide biographical information about Kant. The introduction should declare the topic and thesis of the essay.
On the topic of a thesis–while this paper gave a very clear and accurate description of Kant’s view, it did not provide an argument of its own for or against it, as the prompt asked of you. There would’ve been room to levy an argument in either direction if the talk of amorality and legality was abbreviated.
The essay demonstrated a strong understanding of Kant. Deploying that understanding within the structure of the assignment should lead to a much higher grade.
2000 words (plus or minus 100 words)
Add a word count (the word count does not include the quotations or bibliography). citationguide.html is a recommended style guide. (This is a link to another website.)
*For further information, see the Philosophy Essay Guidelines under Modules.
For your final essay, choose one of the following subjects.
1.Explain and investigate the ethical case for tolerance from the standpoint of moral relativism or moral objectivism.
2.Make a case for or against vegetarianism from a utilitarian or Kantian standpoint.
3.Make an argument for or against a Kantian ethical theory.
4.What is the significance of meta-ethical moral objectivism for Charles W. Mills? With reference to “Black Radical Kantianism,” explain and investigate the significance of moral objectivism in anti-racist ethics.
5.Explain and investigate Aristotle’s notion that happiness is the highest good.
6.What is your role?