Posted: January 31st, 2022
See Attachment W 5 II
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
• Textbook: pp. 293-318 and 337-356
• Lesson
• Minimum of 5 sources
TOPIC Mandatory Vaccination
This assignment is a full draft of your
This draft will demonstrate the argument and writing techniques studied in the course and will build upon the steps you have taken in all the previous weeks toward developing your Argument Research Paper. This draft is expected to meet all of the Argument Research Essay requirements for writing, content, length, and sources.
Writing Requirements for the Argument Research Essay First Draft, Due in Week 5, and for the Argument Essay Final Draft, Due in Week 7
• Correct use of APA guidelines for the following:
• Headers with pagination
• Title Page
• Margins, spacing, and paragraph indentation
• APA in-text citation and referencing for all sources
• Do not divide your essay into sections.
• Do not use headings within your paper to indicate changes in topic. While longer APA essays and particular types of APA writing, such as scholarly articles, employ APA-style bolded headings to divide portions of the writing, you are writing a shorter academic essay. Your shift from one paragraph to the next should be signaled through your use of the effective transition and topic sentence rules we have practiced.
• 6-8 full pages for the essay itself, not including title page or references
• Effective structure, including your introduction paragraph, your body paragraphs, and your conclusion paragraph
• Use of third-person throughout. Focus on the topic, not on you nor on the essay. In other words: no first-person “I,” and no referring to the essay, such as “In this essay.”
• At least 5 scholarly sources visibly used, cited, and referenced
• Refer to the full Argument Research Essay Rubric
The Full Essay Assignment (first full draft due in Week 5, and final draft due in
Week 7)
Your Argument Research Paper will present your argumentative claim, or stance, on a
specific, focused, debatable topic. The final draft will demonstrate the argument, writing,
and revision techniques studied in the course and will build upon the steps you will have
taken in previous weeks toward thoroughly and carefully revising your Argument
Research Paper Draft, originally composed and submitted in Week 5.
Writing Requirements for the Argument Research Essay First Draft, Due in Week
5, and for the Argument Essay Final Draft, Due in Week 7
• Correct use of APA guidelines for the following:
o Headers with pagination
o Title Page
o Margins, spacing, and paragraph indentation
o APA in-text citation and referencing for all sources
o Do not divide your essay into sections.
o Do not use headings within your paper to indicate changes in topic. While longer
APA essays and particular types of APA writing, such as scholarly articles,
employ APA-style bolded headings to divide portions of the writing, you are
writing a shorter academic essay. Your shift from one paragraph to the next
should be signaled through your use of the effective transition and topic sentence
rules we have practiced.
• 6-8 full pages for the essay itself, not including title page or reference
• Effective structure, including your introduction paragraph, your body paragraphs,
and your conclusion paragraph
• Use of third-person throughout. Focus on the topic, not on you nor on the essay.
In other words: no first-person “I,” and no referring to the essay, such as “In this
• At least 5 scholarly sources visibly used, cited, and referenced
• Refer to the full Argument Research Essay Rubric (located in Week 7
Grading: This activity will be graded using the Argument Research Essay Rubric.
Weekly Building Step Assignments:
Week 1: Topic Selection and Proposal Submission with Scholarly Sources