Posted: March 17th, 2023
Security goverance issue in one of the 500 fortune companies
Topic: Select a a topic relevant to current issues in security governance or management models used in a Fortune 500 company or any company with sufficient publicly available information.
Please let me know which company you have selected and what is its security governance issue that would be research problem before you start the paper. Below is the format of the research paper and exactly all the elements needs to be covered in the research paper. (total 20 pages and 40 references need to be in the paper)
Format of the paper should include the following
· Abstract.
· Table of contents.
· Topic defination(3-4pages)(follow the below instructions for this section)
- Thesis statement of the topic
- Research topic-Define a topic relevant to current issues in security governance or management models used in a Fortune 500 company or any company with sufficient publicly available information.
- Research problem-Summarize the purpose and scope of the topic or issue.
- Research problem background-Describe the context of this topic or issue, and why it is relevant to today’s information security environment: Why is this issue important? What are the risks of not addressing it? What are the benefits of addressing it effectively?
- Research question(s)-Define the question(s) you will address in your thesis.
· Literature Review(2 pages) (follow the below instructions for this section)
- Analyze governance principles and their applications to information security management.
- Compare literature in information security governance and program management.
· Methodology(6-8 pages)(follow the below instructions for this section)
- Research purpose
- Research questions
- Research method
- Ethics
- Instrument – Identify what instrument will be used, or for qualitative research, what interview questions will be asked.
- Sampling – Describe how sampling is performed
- Population– Describe the population chosen and how participants are contacted.
· Body(4pages)(follow the below instructions for this section)
- analysis,
- results,
- discussion,
· conclusion,(2 pages)(follow the below instructions for this section)
- Significance of the study
- Limitations
- Future research
- recommendations.
· References- Your final reference list must include at least 40 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.
· Annotated Bibliography
End of the day (due date)- july 20th 2020