Posted: October 15th, 2022
SDOH and Sociodemographic Characteristics
C1. SDOH and Sociodemographic Characteristics
Approaching Competence
Approaching CompetenceThe descriiption of the SDOH and sociodemographic characteristics of the target population is not logical or not relevant to the target population.
The work lists several sociodemographics, including that 25% of the population is black. However, a satisfactory overview of the SDOH for the target population is not found.
C2. Benefits of HIP for Target Population
D1. Force Field Analysis Template (Appendix I)
Approaching Competence
Approaching CompetenceA copy of the “Force Field Analysis Template (Appendix I)” is submitted, but 1 or more of the given components are missing, or 1 more of the components included do not relate to the proposed implementation of the HIP.
The force field analysis includes two appropriate driving forces- financial backing and participatory staff. The other force listed is actually a potential outcome and the forces listed as restraining are inappropriate because they are potential risks and not restraining forces.
D2. Positive and Negative Forces
Approaching Competence
Approaching CompetenceThe submission explains how each of the 3 positive forces and each of the 3 negative forces identified in the “Force Field Analysis Template (Appendix I)” from part D1 will help with the planning of the proposed project implementation, but 1 or more of the explained positive or negative forces is not logical.
Being able to afford the needed HIP items is notably listed as how the driving force of approved financial backing assists the project. However, a total of three valid restraining and three valid driving forces are not found.
D3. Strategies for Overcoming Negative Forces
Approaching Competence
Approaching CompetenceStrategies to overcome the 3 negative forces identified in the “Force Field Analysis Template (Appendix I)” from part D1 are provided, but 1 or more of the strategies are not plausible or are not relevant for addressing negative forces.
The submission interestingly discusses monkey pox as a potential barrier. However, an explanation regarding overcoming three valid restraining forces is not evident.
E1. Screenshot of Gantt Chart (Appendix J)
Approaching Competence
Approaching CompetenceA screenshot of a completed Gantt chart is submitted, but it is not clearly visible. Or 1 or more of the given components of the Gantt chart are missing or not relevant to the proposed HIP implementation.
The Gantt chart includes apt tasks like identifying stakeholders. However, bar charts are missing for many tasks and some dates are illogical because they are prior to the start of the project.
E2. Gantt Chart Information
F. Scope Statement
Approaching Competence
Approaching CompetenceThe scope statement is missing 1 or more of the given components, or 1 or more of the given components include an incorrect number of required items. Or 1 or more of the given components are missing essential details, are not logical, or are not relevant to the HIP implementation.
The process for completing the Gantt chart is repeated twice in the narrative, including under the scope statement heading. A scope statement could not be located.
G. Communication Management Plan
H. APA Style and Format
Approaching Competence
Approaching CompetenceThe submission does not accurately or consistently incorporate 1 or more of the given APA style and format components as described in the current APA manual.
The sources were assessed for attribution (aka correspondence), retrieval (aka location), and formatting. Attribution and retrieval must be satisfied at 100%, and formatting cannot exceed four types of errors. This submission (met/did not meet) the following areas: Attribution: Met ___ Not met _X__: -The date for the US Office of Personnel Management is inaccurate. -The date for the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps source is inaccurate. Retrieval: Met _X__ Not met __: Formatting: Met _X__ Not met ___: However, the reference list is not in alphabetical order. Style: Met_X__ Not Met___: For specific instruction on citations and reference entries, please click on the link (the square with an upward pointing arrow) to the right of the “APA Sources” rubric item. Please contact the WGU Writing Center if further assistance is needed.
I have written this paper and it has been sent back for revisions.
The only revisions needed -is the title started 158. I have included what needs revising. you can use all information I have it just needs revised from the list I sent