Posted: November 28th, 2022
SCS 444 Final Project Guidelines
SCS 444 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a white paper and presentation.
As the final step in your journey toward your Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, you will complete a capstone that integrates the knowledge and skills you have
developed throughout your program by creating a white paper and professional presentation. The white paper and presentation will address a real-life
workplace problem. You will identify the problem, provide an analysis of applicable research, apply sociological theory and concepts, and provide evidencebased recommendations.
A degree in sociology is beneficial in a variety of professional roles including human resources, leadership, management, and advocacy. In a professional
environment, individuals are bound to encounter conflict, and the methods through which the conflict is resolved, if employed appropriately, can strengthen
professional relationships and lead to promotion. Sociologists provide unique perspectives in addressing these types of problems by applying sociological theory
and research methodology to their analysis of the situation and to their evidence-based recommendations. In this vein, your white paper and presentation
should demonstrate your mastery in the field of sociology, making connections between its content and applications to the real world.
Evaluation of Capstone
This capstone will be assessed somewhat differently than other courses you have taken online at SNHU. There are two separate components, which are
submitted at different times during the course; however, they operate together to comprise the whole capstone experience and are not assessed separately. You
will be evaluated on both components as a unit in determining whether you have demonstrated proficiency in each outcome. Your instructor will guide you
through this process, keeping a running narrative of your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the outcomes as you progress through the class. Your work is
expected to meet the highest professional standards.
The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, Four, and Five. The final submission for Component 1 is due in Module Six, and the
final submission for Component 2 is due in Module Seven.
In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
• Analyze group behavior through a sociological lens for a broader understanding of society
• Analyze and apply sociological research for making socially responsible, evidence-informed decisions that address contemporary social issues
• Employ professional, ethical, and appropriate communication in the dissemination of sociological information through customization of message
• Analyze social structures and processes within social institutions for recognizing patterns and relationships across cultures
• Evaluate the social construction of realities for their impact on human-social interactions and their consequences to society
• Develop feasible sociological questions for employing versatility of thought and problem-solving skills in addressing contemporary social issues
Your white paper and presentation will address a practical real-world problem and scenario present in the workplace. To support this, you will identify a
workplace problem and scenario by selecting one of the options below:
• Use your own workplace scenario that you have encountered or experienced in real life.
• Create a fictitious but realistic workplace scenario.
• Search appropriate journals (two potential journals are provided in the course modules) and/or websites to find a workplace scenario that is appropriate
for this capstone and presents various sociological issues.
Once you have identified the workplace problem, you will apply sociological concepts and perspectives to explain the presence of the problem and contributing
factors. You will also identify an appropriate research methodology that could be used to investigate the problem; however, you will not actually conduct the
research. Finally, you will analyze scholarly research to inform your evidence-based recommendations on how to manage the specific situation. You will have two
different audiences for your white paper and your presentation. Your audience for the white paper will be the CEO and board of directors of a chosen company,
and your audience for the presentation will be the managers in the same company. Be sure to consider your audience when creating the white paper and
Component 1: White Paper
For the first of two capstone components, you will develop a comprehensive, professional white paper that applies a sociological perspective and sociological
concepts to explain the presence and contributing factors behind the real-world problem in the workplace. You will also analyze scholarly research and present
evidence-based recommendations on how to manage the problem. Your audience for the white paper will be the CEO and board of directors of the organization.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
Note: The following sections should be included in your white paper, although you are not limited to only these sections:
I. Statement of Problem: This section should be a summary of the scenario, identifying all individuals involved in the situation and the different
perspectives that they represent, describing any related stakeholders such as managers, clients, or vendors, and describing the root problem. In general,
include all information that you think is necessary to establish a comprehensive analysis for your scenario.
II. Application of Sociological Theory and Concepts: Apply a sociological perspective, sociological theory, and sociological concepts to explain the presence
of the problem and the factors that contribute to the problem, both on a micro and macro level. Apply the perspective, theory, and concepts to explain,
among other aspects, the influence of social structures and processes, the influence of social construction on interactions, and the influence of different
III. Application of Research Methodology: Based on the problem, identify questions that need to be answered in order to arrive at a factual and valueneutral assessment, as well as the research methodology appropriate to obtain this information. Although you may include other elements, at a
minimum this section should:
A. Identify potential research method(s) that will yield reliable and valid data, as well as the specific data the method(s) will generate.
B. Identify potential challenges in collecting reliable and valid data.
C. Reflect on how you will account for your personal biases and preconceived notions to arrive at a value-neutral assessment.
IV. Literature Review: Analyze the scholarly research that pertains to your problem, both on a micro and macro level. Among other aspects, research the
factors that contribute to the problem, the impact of human group behavior, and previously attempted solutions.
V. Conclusion: Restate your problem and provide recommendations based on your analysis of the research for the company in the scenario on how to
address the problem. Justify the appropriateness and projected success of your recommendations in addressing the specific problem. Be sure to answer
anticipated questions from the audience to ensure they have sufficient information.
Your final product should follow professional industry standards and include all necessary elements that one would find in a professional white paper. References
and citations should follow the rules of the latest American Psychological Association (APA) publication manual.
Component 2: Professional Presentation
For the second component of your capstone, you will create a presentation of the problem assessment for the managers in the specific organization. You will
summarize the white paper using a sociological perspective and sociological concepts, explain the research methodology to appropriately gather data, and
provide evidence-based recommendations that the organization can implement to resolve the workplace problem.
Since you will not actually deliver this presentation in person, you must create a self-sustaining presentation (including speaker notes or transcript) in which you
anticipate likely questions from the audience and respond to these questions. The presentation should adhere to the principles of an effective professional
presentation, and all your sources should be cited according to the rules of the latest American Psychological Association (APA) publication manual.
Milestone One: Draft of Statement of Problem
In Module Two, you will submit a 2–3-page draft of your Statement of Problem, which is a detailed summary of the selected workplace situation. All the
employees involved directly in it, along with stakeholders in the organization who are not directly involved, need to be described, including their individual
viewpoints on the situation. Also, the root sociological problem underlying the situation must be clearly explained. This milestone is graded with the Milestone
One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Draft of Application of Sociological Theories and Concepts
In Module Three, you will submit a 3–4-page draft of your Application of Sociological Theories and Concepts, addressing all critical elements from Section II
above. In this milestone, the sociological analysis of the root problem underlying the workplace situation (as described in Milestone One) will be presented. This
will be accomplished through applying one sociological perspective and at least one sociological theory with related concepts to the problem. This milestone is
graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Draft of Application of Research Methodology
In Module Four, you will submit a 2–3-page draft of your Application of Research Methodology, addressing all critical elements from Section III above. In
thinking sociologically about the root problem (as summarized in Milestone One), you will craft questions about it that need to be answered to provide a fuller,
more in-depth analysis of it. A research method will then be discussed with respect to how it could be used to gather reliable and valid information to answer
these questions. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Milestone Four: Draft of Literature Review
In Module Five, you will submit a 3–5-page draft of your Literature Review, addressing all critical elements from Section IV above. This milestone summarizes
sociological literature that is focused directly on the root problem, factors associated with it, and previously attempted remedies to manage it in the workplace.
This milestone is graded with the Milestone Four Rubric.
Component 1: White Paper
In Module Six, you will submit your white paper. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. Components 1 and 2 are graded together as a single item with the Final Project Rubric.
Component 2: Presentation
In Module Seven, you will submit your presentation. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. Components 1 and 2 are graded together as a single item with the Final Project Rubric.
Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading
One Draft of Statement of Problem Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Two Draft of Application of Sociological Theories
and Concepts
Three Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
Three Draft of Application of Research Methodology Four Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Four Draft of Literature Review Five Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric
Component 1: White Paper Six Graded holistically; Final Project Rubric
Component 2: Presentation Seven Graded holistically; Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: The white paper should be 10–15 pages in length. The document will include a title page, table of contents, introduction, main body,
conclusion, formal reference list, and appendices, if applicable. Information should be cited according to the latest edition of the American Psychological
Association (APA) publication manual. You may include illustrations, photographs, graphs and charts, and other non-textual materials as needed to support the
underpinning thesis (though all of the latter should be placed in an appendix or appendices if used).
The presentation should be 10–15 slides in length, with accompanying speaker notes or a transcript. As with your white paper, citations should follow formatting
from the latest APA publication manual. You may include illustrations, photographs, maps, graphs and charts, and other non-textual materials as needed to
support the underlying analysis and recommendations.
SCS-444-01: Analyze group behavior through a sociological lens for a broader understanding of society Proficient
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to accurately analyze group behavior, applying a sociological perspective and sociological concepts?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to pinpoint the different stakeholders and associated perspectives related to group behaviors?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze the influence of the environment on group behavior using sociological perspectives, theory, or concepts?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze the influence of societal factors on group behavior using sociological perspectives, theory, or concepts?
SCS-444-02: Analyze and apply sociological research for making socially responsible, evidence-informed
decisions that address contemporary social issues
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to identify appropriate scholarly sociological research to inform decision-making about problems?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze the causative social factors of problems using sociological research?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze attempted solutions to problems using sociological research?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply sociological research to make evidence-informed decisions about contemporary problems?
SCS-444-03: Employ professional, ethical, and appropriate communication in the dissemination of
sociological information through customization of message
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to prepare professional written and verbal communications of sociological analysis for diverse audiences?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to anticipate and prepare for possible questions and responses from an audience?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to appropriately customize messages to communicate sociological information to diverse audiences?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to ethically disseminate sociologically interpreted information to a diverse audience?
SCS-444-04: Analyze social structures and processes within social institutions for recognizing patterns and
relationships across cultures
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to critically assess the influence of ascribed status factors of individuals in problems?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to critically assess the influence of social roles, social statuses, and processes in real-world scenarios?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to critically assess the influence of specific organizational factors in real-world scenarios?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to critically assess the influence of specific cultural variables in real-world scenarios?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to identify patterns and relationships across cultures?
SCS-444-05: Evaluate the social construction of realities for their impact on human-social interactions and
their consequences to society
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to effectively represent the different “voices” present in situations?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to accurately compare and contrast the different perspectives represented by individuals immediately involved in
human interactions?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze differing perspectives employing a sociological perspective?
SCS-444-06: Develop feasible sociological questions for employing versatility of thought and problemsolving skills in addressing contemporary social issues
Not Proficient
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the student demonstrate the ability to successfully generate evidence-based questions about the causative factors of problems?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to successfully generate evidence-based questions about the solutions to problems?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to employ versatility of thought and problem-solving skills in developing recommendations to address professional
SCS 444 Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric
Milestone Four is a literature review focused on identifying information related to your workplace problem. This information should come from sociology, but
may also be located in business literature. Once the information is identified and summarized, it will be used to compare and contrast it with your previously
prepared sociological analysis of the problem.
Prompt: Submit a 3–5 page draft of your Literature Review, addressing all critical elements from Section IV below. This milestone summarizes sociological
literature that is focused directly on the root problem, factors associated with it, and previously attempted remedies to manage it in the workplace.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
IV. Literature Review: Analyze the scholarly research that pertains to your problem, both on a micro and macro level. Among other aspects, research the
factors that contribute to the problem, the impact of human group behavior, and previously attempted solutions.
Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must be submitted as a 3–5-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, oneinch margins, and any sources cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Meets Expectations (100%) In Progress (75%) Does Not Meet Expectations
Analyze Scholarly
Accurately analyzes appropriate
scholarly sociological research that
pertains to the workplace problem, both
on a micro and macro level
Analyzes appropriate scholarly
sociological research, but research does
not adequately pertain to the research
problem and/or is inappropriate
Does not analyze appropriate scholarly
sociological research
Contributing Factors Accurately analyzes the causative social
and societal factors that contribute to
the workplace problem
Analyzes the causative social and
societal factors that contribute to the
workplace problem, but factors are
inappropriate and/or lack details
Does not analyze the causative social
and societal factors that contribute to
the workplace problem
Impact of Human
Group Behavior
Accurately analyzes the impact of group
behavior on the workplace problem,
applying sociological perspective and
sociological concepts
Analyzes the impact of group behavior
on the workplace problem, but does not
apply sociological perspective and
sociological concepts
Does not analyze the impact of group
behavior on the workplace problem
Previously Attempted
Accurately analyzes previously
attempted solutions to the workplace
problem, using sociological research
Analyzes attempted solutions to the
workplace problem, but does not use
sociological research and/or lacks details
Does not analyze attempted solutions to
the workplace problem
Articulation of
Submission has no major errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax,
or organization
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent understanding
of ideas
Total 100%