Posted: November 19th, 2022
Scientific Research Report Project
Scientific Research Report Project
Goal: Students will analyze an online dataset of sea surface temperatures near coral reefs, then write a full scientific research report analyzing these data and discussing them in the context of global warming and coral bleaching.
Specific writing objectives:
• concise sentences with precise word choice
• organized paragraphs with good flow and transitions
• properly cited and paraphrased review of related studies
• clear and precise description of data in text and figures
• logical analysis of data leading to supported conclusions
• properly formatted full bibliography using Zotero
Instructions: Over several weeks, we will work as a class through multiple stages of the project. Each part will be introduced during in-person class, then writing and peer reviews of some sections will be done during the asynchronous portion of the class. The final report is worth 20% of the course grade.
1. Background information: For this project, you will extend your understanding of the impacts of climate change by focusing on a particular temperature-related phenomenon: climate change and coral bleaching.
A. In class Mon 10/17: To get the basics, we will start as a class by recreating the famous “Keeling Curve” data showing the increase in CO2 that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution due to massive burning of fossil fuels for energy.
B. Online 10/17-23: Complete the Keeling data assignment. Then, begin research and data analysis of sea surface temperature in coral reef sites from around the world using online datasets from NOAA’s Coral Reef Watch site.
a. First, watch this video about coral bleaching narrated by researcher Stephen Palumbi:
b. Read more about the topic from the organization that has collected data on sea surface temperatures around the world (NOAA’s Coral Reef Watch):
c. Then, select a coral reef dataset from NOAA to use for your project (look up geographic locations if you need to):
i. Assignment for Mon, 10/24: Analyze the sea surface temperature (SST) data from your chosen location as follows:
1. Compare SST for the three time periods shown: 2001-2002, 2009-2010, and 2013-2014 by calculating means and standard deviations and visualizing these with a graph. You can create either a bar graph showing means w/standard deviation error bars *or* a boxplot.
2. Then, use the information from Unit 3 and your Hofmann text as resources to select the statistical test that is most appropriate to test whether there is a significant difference among these three time periods. Describe the data and report the statistical test results (test name, p value) in your figure caption.
3. Create three scatterplots that show how SST has fluctuated over the years in your location for each time period.
4. Within your scatterplots, look for signs of “hot spots”, which are temperature anomalies when SST goes 1C above the monthly average. In the caption of your scatterplots, describe how SST changes over time, and make note of any times where you predict a possible hotspot may have occurred.
5. Finally, read the following article that originated the research about such hotspots: Goreau & Hayes and respond to the following questions:
i. What is coral bleaching? Describe it in your own words.
ii. What does coral bleaching have to do with sea surface temperature?
iii. What is a “hot spot”?
2. Writing an Introduction and Proper Citation
• In class Oct 24:
1) Zotero: First we will have a workshop with librarian Hed Monaghan, who will teach us how to use Zotero to manage citations and use the Zotero add-on for MS Word to create within-text citations and bibliographies. In class, each student will do a library database search to find at least five articles relating to the topic of the research report, and create a bibliography using Zotero.
2) Review: Introduction Section format & Plagiarism: We will review the “funnel shape” format of typical introduction sections, then discuss plagiarism and how to avoid it.
3) Outline your Introduction: Use this worksheet to read guidelines and create an outline of your introduction section to the report. You will finish the outline and write a draft of your Introduction for this week’s online assignment.
• Online work Oct 25-31: Continue work outlining the Introduction; submit both the outline and draft of Introduction section including citations plus bibliography in CSE format by 9am on 10/31.
3. Writing Methods & Results:
• In class Oct 31: Hotspot data analysis: Figures 2 & 3 (Record methods in step by step form, then put into paragraph). Practice exercises for writing/summarizing results and citing stats results.
• Online work Nov 1-7: Draft the Methods section, focusing on how/where you obtained the data, and how you analyzed it, & Results Section/submit for peer review?
4. Write the Discussion Section:
• In class Nov 7: Individual feedback/Start the Discussion section. Discussion should summarize main results, referring back to the original question. Then place the results in context of the literature on the topic, citing at least three peer-reviewed sources. End the section with suggestions for what should be done with this information (taking action, further studies).
• Online work Nov 8-14: Submit complete draft, including revised Intro, Methods, Results & Discussion. Also include Title, Abstract, and Literature Cited (References) sections.
• The title should be informative but not overly detailed
• Summarize the overall report in an abstract of not more than 200 words.
• Use Zotero to generate citations within the text and to create a full bibliography at the end. Citation format should follow either Council of Science Editors (CSE) or the format of another biology journal that uses (author, year) format for citations within the text.
• Double-check that all sources cited in the text are in the Literature Cited section, and vice versa.
• Proofread and revise! Proofread using MS Word tools, friends/relatives/CASA tutors. Revise your writing to incorporate feedback and your own self-reflections. Reading it out loud to yourself is often helpful for locating problematic organization, grammar, or word choice issues.