Posted: May 15th, 2022
Scientific Discoveries
1. Scientific Discoveries: Using our UMGC Library, find a peer-reviewed article on genetic testing or environmental risks before birth. Once found, provide a brief summary (in your own words – not that of the Abstract) of what you learned from the article. For example, does the article support, refute, or expand upon the discussion within the assigned readings? Include in your summary how your selected article contributes to our understanding of prenatal development. What you learned from the article (in your own words, not the Abstract’s) For instance, does the article support, disagree with, or add to what was said in the readings? Include in your summary how the article you chose helps us understand how a baby grows and develops before birth.
Below your summary provide the reference for the article and the functioning Permalink to the article so others can access it.
2. Important Finds: Using our UMGC Library, find a peer-reviewed article on the topic of breastfeeding or infant nutrition. Once found, provide a brief summary (in your own words – not that of the Abstract) of what you learned from the article. For example, does the article support, refute, or expand upon the discussion within the assigned readings? Include in your summary how this article contributes to our understanding of the developmental period, infancy.
Below your summary provide the reference for the article and the functioning Permalink to the article so others can read the article you have selected.
Part 2. Post Constructive Peer Feedback: In addition to posting your thoughts to the main entry questions, respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates’ entries. In 3 or more sentences, provide constructive feedback. Do you have some additional thoughts on the topic? Share them. When providing your feedback present the logic behind it.