Posted: March 5th, 2022
Santa Monica College Nietzsche Had Different Arguments About Morality Essay
Santa Monica College Nietzsche Had Different Arguments About Morality Essay
Explanation of prompt:
A major problem in the Post-Truth era is that there is no shared set of facts, and with this lack of consensus, people tend to make judgments based on subjective bias rather than objective truth. Before we consider solutions to Post-Truth, we must first decide the values that will guide our actions. This relates to the discussion of authenticity in existentialism. Authenticity is when we freely choose our values, give meaning or purpose to our existence, and then live according to these guiding values. But which version of authenticity will save us from Post-Truth problems?
If we want to avoid a one-dimensional society, then are Nietzsche’s individualist values the solution? Or should we instead live by the collectivist values of his critics?
Essay Guidelines
Please address the prompt in 1,000-1,500 words
This is NOT a research paper. No outside sources allowed. Please only consult the assigned reading and videos.
You must number your sections like the outline below
Look at handout attached
Is morality a never-ending power struggle like Nietzsche says?
How does Nietzsche explain the origin of morality? Interpret who the masters, slaves, and sovereign individuals are in Post-Truth society. Explain your reasoning.
(In your analysis above, analyze 1 (short) passage from Nietzsche)
Argue your position: What are your best reasons for morality being (or not being) a power struggle like Nietzsche describes?
Should we aim to breed “sovereign individuals” in the post-truth era?
Explain the sovereign individual, as well as the following key terms: active forgetting, entitled to make promises, pathos of distance
(In your analysis above, analyze 2 (short) passages from Nietzsche)
Argue your positions: Would breeding sovereign individuals improve society?
Explain the opposing view to yours from Section II.
(If you agree with Nietzsche, then what would his critics say? If you disagree with Nietzsche, then what would Nietzsche say?)
Respond in 140 characters or fewer! (because Twitter tweets contain no more than 140 characters)
Make a meme! (memes are ARGUMENTS)
You may use this meme generator: After you create and save your meme, copy it to Section IV of your document.
What is a mean? –
For this assignment, please create a meme using a background image with a line or two of text on top.
Meme Guidelines:
Goal: Memes must show a commitment to persuading members of the other side of the issue
Clarity: The argument/message must be clear and easy to understand for the reader
Consistency: The argument/message must be consistent with your argument in the essay portion of this assignment
Etiquette: This is an academic discussion, not a social media platform (Please follow respectfully)