Posted: December 11th, 2022
S.A.R.A Problem Solving Strategy
S.A.R.A Problem Solving Strategy
Apa 6th edition, with no less than 500 words discuss how community policing and the S.A.R.A problem solving strategy can be adapted into private security operations.
S.A.R.A Problem Solving Strategy
The SARA model incorporates a systematic method of research and analysis to resolve specific challenges in the society. Additionally, the model has a mode of evaluating the successes achieved from the strategy. Subsequently, there is the adoption of improved strategies to make the solutions more effective. SARA means Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment. Scanning involves the identification and prioritization of the societal problems. Scanning relies on data collected by institutions of governance and members of the public. The analysis phase examines the intricacies that cause the problems. Response involves the determination of particular responses to the challenges and assessment scrutinizes the effectiveness of the response. The tenets of the SARA model provide adequate measures to effect community policing as a means of achieving safety.
The introduction of the concept of community policing marked shift from the reactionary nature of police work to action. Community policing emphasizes the need to build strong relationships with the people to prevent crime (Rukus, Warner, & Zhang, 2018). To that extent, the community policing strategy relies on two key pillars, which are problem solving and partnerships. In that regard, the utility of the SARA model is most effective to achieve an effective system of community policing. Government officials, police professionals, neighborhood leaders and the community should work together to make the localities safer.
The application of Scanning in community policing invites members of the public and community leaders to provide information to the relevant agencies on any suspicious activities in the neighborhoods (Rukus, Warner, & Zhang, 2018). Law enforcement officers do not have the ability to everywhere all the time. Therefore, community members are on the lookout on their behalf. After reporting, police can take the necessary step to investigate on the claims. On the other hand, analysis calls for the involvement of all the stakeholders. If a locality has a high crime rate, then there must be a root cause of the problem. Analysis problem leaders and members of the community an opportunity to share some of their challenges. One of the common problems related to crime includes high rates of unemployment among the youth.
Response also involves all the stakeholders. However, government officials have more responsibility. Proper policies are critical in resolving communal challenges (Rukus, Warner, & Zhang, 2018). The making of the policies should also involve members of the public. For instance, the challenge of unemployment requires economic stimulus plans to generate more opportunities. Business leaders in communities need to participate in the formulation of the policies. The final phase of analysis is an investigation of the effectiveness of the policies adopted. Analysis relies on statistics such as the rate of crime. A drop in the rate of crime is an indication of effectiveness of the policies.
Community policing makes security a responsibility of each participant in society. As part of the community, the role of the police becomes much easier and more effective. The SARA method makes community policy systematic. The SARA model provides steps the make community policing possible. All stakeholders understand their roles better through the SARA model. The methodology has a final step of self-evaluation. If the data proves that the policies are ineffective, the stakeholders have to go back to the drawing. Community policing has a high probability of success because it is not a onetime process. Members of the community have an opportunity of following the SARA model tenets repeatedly until they achieve the desired results.
Rukus, J., Warner, M. E., & Zhang, X. (2018). Community policing: Least effective where need is greatest. Crime & Delinquency, 64(14), 1858-1881.