Posted: November 1st, 2022
Roller rigs
Roller rigs have seen their widespread application in the development of high-speed trains. They were initially used in the investigation of steam locomotive performance. It is interesting to note that rollers can be driven at speeds of up to 250mph upon lateral acceleration towards a given direction. The dynamics of a roller rig essentially comprise of two sets of individual rollers. Normally, a fifth of a bogie rests its pressure on top of the roller; it is restrained in a way that can allow for the carriage and movement of a full vehicle. The anatomy also consists of a system of bearings that slide against each other to allow for varying of the wheelbase and the gauge. An electric motor powers the entire system via the use of a set of belts and pulleys. Usually, rollers on either side of the wheel are connected using splined and hooker-jointed shafts which essentially provide a positive connection straight across a wheelset. A system of hydraulic actuators, as well as the digital controller, controls the excitation of the rollers. The primary suspension is composed of a set of 8 rubber brushes which are mounted between the axle boxes and the bogie. These brushes are normally changed whenever the stiffness and damping parameters fall out of the normally required unit. In our research, the mass, as well as the inert properties of all the bodies, have been selected to stand in for that of a typical high-speed passenger coach. Essentially, we are trying to mimic the BR Mk4 passenger coach. The secondary suspension in our case will be provided by miniature air springs and yaw dampers that hold a watt linkage between the bogie and the coach’s body. The wheel profiles match those of the BR P8 with the rollers having a scale BS110a rail profile and no rail cant. This can be observed in the figure below that shows the “Excitation of rollers.’ As observed, each roller is mounted in a yoke that is linked to two lateral actuator shafts which allow them to be excited laterally in yaw. This is the normal standard that helps in identification of accurate simulation. The two roller sets are normally found in the subframe which can be modified to allow cant deficiency to be easily modified with minimal effort. This also helps in the vertical excitation of the rollers to be provided if they are to be required at a later stage. The digital controller usually follows a stipulated algorithm. This enables it to control the shakers whose work is to excite each roller pair. These motions accurately simulate the effect of the rail misalignments in a lateral direction. Normally, the maximum force capacity of each actuator is 0.5kN. Oil flow in the system is normally sufficient enough to permit signals that are over 20Hz to be tracked in a reliable manner. The 7 2 4 instrumentation monitors the dynamic behavior in the scale bogie after that the results of the monitoring are stored analysis much later as well as to carry out comparisons with the computer predictions. A microcomputer based system is usually set up to facilitate the acquisition of data from the roller rig. It makes use of four channels of analog input that can be simultaneously sampled and shaped to bring out a digitized format. The data is required in order to compare the behavior of the vehicle with a mathematically simulated example in order to assess the body’s performance with reference to passenger safety and comfort. It is to be noticed that any slight changes in the suspension of the carriage can be assessed and noted down in order to come up with valid conclusions. A range of track speeds and conditions are assessed during this study. The computer models used allow for frequency or time history results of the selected parameter to be deciphered from the analysis. This frequency is the frequency spectrum of vibrations. The roller rig is essential in the validation of this data. Accelerometers and displacement transducers are therefore mounted onto specific locations of the vessels body as well as in the wheelsets of the roller rig. The signals are then put in the desired format, which happens to be the digital format and then stored in the computers database. In the computers, there is a package that is used referred to as spiders that can be used to monitor all the four roller rigs simultaneously. The signals are then put together in the required format and arrangement and then put away for presentation and analysis in comparison to the results gotten from the simulation. Using the roller rig brings forth some errors; this happens especially when the roller rigs used to have a finite radius. These are errors that could be classified as either errors that are caused by the scaling factor used or those errors that are caused by the use of rollers that have a finite radius rather than the rails. Prior to this discussion, there was a study that was carried out by previous research groups that carefully analyzed the magnitude that each error carries with it. Valuation of 8 different structures was done in order to find out the impact they would have on the results of each error. Conclusions that emanated were that the error in scaling could be quite small when it is done carefully, however, if it is not done carefully, then the errors that come up can be quite large. It was also found out that errors that are results of diameter differences are normally quite difficult to eliminate as they affect the algorithm by various specters. A cumulative effect of these errors enables one to see that it is possible for errors to culminate in changes of about 10% if the critical speed of the vessel changes as well as if other parameters are examined. This means that the errors are susceptible to particular parameters and speed changes. It should thereby be observed that even minor changes to the suspension of the vehicle can be fully assessed at a variety of speed and track conditions. The computer models that are set up produce results in the form of a frequency spectrum of vibrations. Also, note that the optimization of rail performance can be done by the integration of certain methods such as the application of the integration method that improves roller rig performance by 60%. The issue with this is that it simply does not assure that the optimization in performance is possible, but it can allow room for that. The method, however, is a safe bet in guaranteeing the optimization of such a mechanism. On a local scale, the rail rig performance is usually optimal. The method, however, relies on the adoption of a layered approach which means it is consistent with the redesigning of tasks. IN redesign of tasks, designers are essentially required to adapt fully to new approaches in order to optimize currently existing mechanisms for improved performance of the rail rig.
In conclusion, the challenges of combining, kinetic and dynamic optimization are well discussed. They include practical design considerations, modeling limitations, and computational issues. In order for such matters to be bypassed and in order for the address of a lack of methods, new designs are usually produced and presented. In our case, the multi-level approach is the one that supports the mechanism selection as well as the kinematic synthesis which is primarily followed by an optimization of the dynamic performance from a set of mechanism instantiations. It can then be eluded that when you compare a given specific numerical optimization approach, the proposed methods reflect the exact natural mechanism design process. Thus, after advising the application of a multi-level method of procedure, a unique novel technique can be used to come up with substitute instantiations by using the inverse kinetic design that satisfies motion constraints but possesses different dynamic performances. There exist a few mechanisms that can be used in dynamic optimization. This occurs where a forward, as well as an inverse dynamic analysis against each mechanism, is evaluated to come up with the vibrant quality indicators. The method brings forth benefits that extend via the use of velocity and also function in the reduction of the dynamic quality indicators. Such a technique can and has been applied to the real world in areas such as the industrial sector. It allows for the redesign of a six-bar mechanism. In experiments that have been carried, one can observe that the size of the predicted reduction of the outcome in the peak-to-peak torque provides a demand of just over 68%.
On the other hand, an application of the velocity cam function results in an enhancement in the dynamic performance. A further reduction by almost 53%in peak torque demand can, therefore, be easily achieved. Application of the method that has been proposed will necessarily result in an overall performance reduction in the peak to peak torque demand of 17. 49-Newton meters to about 2.61-Newton meters. This symbolizes an 85% drop in the current method. Evidently, experimental testing provides a strong basis by which validation of the individual steps can be done. The results also portray that the approach if carefully applied can generate a considerably improved mechanism. It is crucial, nonetheless, to note that the approach that has been suggested is quite practical but only if the one is provided with the nature of the problem and two modeling tools.