Posted: November 19th, 2022
Review the Riverbend City multimedia presentation
Cultural Bias, Self-Awareness, and Professional Code of Ethics
The article by Kocet (2006) in the studies for this unit reflects on some changes in language and the expansion of definitions related to family and support networks and client identity in the ACA Code of Ethics. Your textbook discusses Western social and cultural biases.
Review the Riverbend City multimedia presentation and the information about autism spectrum disorders and Asperger’s syndrome from this unit’s studies. In your initial post, discuss the application of concepts from the ACA Code of Ethics about multicultural and diversity issues in relation to support needs for the family in the multimedia scenario. In your discussion, include perspectives about family and support networks and cultural biases. Discuss an approach the case manager might use with the parents that would be culturally sensitive and responsive to the needs of the child.
The real world abounds with complicated situations where ethical behavior requires careful judgment.
In this activity, you will again assume the role of a case manager at Curt Swann Middle School, a public school in Riverbend City, a mid-sized city in the Midwest.
Several Swann faculty and staff members have asked you to get involved with Lexi, a 10-year-old girl in the 4th grade. Lexi has been exhibiting behaviors recently that make her teachers suspect that she may be on the autism spectrum.
Scenario 1
Before you talk to Lexi, you should read the incident report written by Lexi’s teacher.
Teacher’s Report
DATE: May 3
Lexi had to be removed from class this morning after being disruptive during English class. We were discussing today’s reading and she made repeated verbal outbursts when I and other students were trying to speak. I gave Lexi three verbal warnings to wait her turn, but the outbursts persisted, escalating into disrespectful talkback.
This disruptive incident fits into a larger pattern of misbehavior for Lexi this school year. Lexi has displayed a great deal of difficulty taking her turn in conversations, and has tended to derail class discussions to talk about one of her few pet topics. Lexi has also consistently had trouble following complicated instructions and respecting personal space this year, and has demanded that other children follow specific rules when interacting with her.
Scenario 2
Lexi Reed’s behaviors appear to indicate that she may be on the autism spectrum. You should talk to her parents about the possibility of therapy, treatment, and medication to help her.
Gina Reed
You think Lexi might be autistic? Oh, dear. I… I’m sorry, this is a lot to take in. I mean, i’ve known that she could be a little high-strung, but I always just figured that she’d grow out of it. I’ve actually talked to my Rabbi about this quite a bit; she always advises me to just take it one day at a time.
I guess you’re the expert, so I’m not in much of a position to tell you you’re wrong. This does make some sense; we’ve certainly noticed that Lexi could use some help with her social skills. I don’t know. Maybe I’ve been fooling myself about how serious the problem was.
If you think that seeing a doctor or a therapist would help her, I’m certainly open to that. I love my daughter, and I want her to have every advantage she can! I don’t want anything holding her back; she’s such a bright girl. I know Adam won’t be thrilled at the idea, but I think it might be the right thing to do. God knows therapy did a lot for my mother when she was younger.
I’ll tell you one thing, though- I think I draw the line at medication. You think Lexi has behavior problems, that’s nothing compared to what I’ve seen with some of the overmedicated kids we see in our social circle. It’s like the whole pharma industry is just out there circling, waiting for their chance to pump your kids full of drugs and leave them glassy-eyed robots. Not my Lexi, no way.
Adam Reed
I’m sorry, I just don’t believe you that my daughter has autism. There’s no way that’s possible. She’s a good girl, she’s a smart girl, and she’s a normal girl. She’s a little headstrong, but that’s a discipline problem. And I’m on that. Gina and I, we’ll get her straightened out. I mean, you’re right, she shouldn’t be talking out of turn in class. That’s unacceptable behavior. But it’s not crazy behavior. It’s not a sign that she’s sick. It’s a sign that she needs discipline and self control.
You mentioned therapy. Look. We aren’t sending my little girl to therapy or any doctor because there’s nothing wrong with her. Gina and I will talk to her, tell her she can’t act up like this any more or she’ll lose her allowance and get grounded. I promise you, that will take care of it. That girl loves her freedom. She sees that at risk, you’ll have the best-behaved student you’ve ever seen. I’ll pray on this.
After reading the teacher’s report, and hearing from the Reeds, it’s time to think about the implications of what you heard, and what your next steps should be to help Lexi get the support she needs.
What services would you recommend for the Reeds?
Your response:
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How would you facilitate the parents’ agreement to participate in this recommendation?
Your response:
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How would you define the line between ethical persuasion and unethical coercion in trying to work with the Reeds?
Your response:
This question has not been answered yet.
As you’ve seen, the various stakeholders involved in a project have very distinct needs when it comes to the information they will need over the course of the project.
As you prepare your stakeholder registry, consider what information you will need in order to create a communications plan that will help you meet the stakeholder expectations and needs.
When you return to the courseroom, you will analyze these scenarios in a discussion question.
Subject Matter Expert:
Jolee Darnell
Interactive Design:
Marty Elmer
Interactive Developer:
Dre Allen
Instructional Design:
Alan Carpenter
Media Instructional Design:
Keith Pille
Marc Ashmore
Project Management:
Marc Ashmore, Stefani Pequin
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