Posted: April 9th, 2022
Review the readings and videos for this week along with the
information in the interactive module.
NS110- M5.3 Initial Post
Review the readings and videos for this week along with the
information in the interactive module.
First – Select one of the following topics to research for your initial
• Super foods: select one of those mentioned in the New
Scientist article by Williams, C. A blueberry a day.
• GMO food crops: Genetically Modified Crops are a
controversial topic for some countries and certain groups.
Visit the Department of Agriculture web site: https://
• Dietary supplements, such as vitamins, protein powders or
probiotics: (Select one of these to examine) You can find
information on each of these supplements in the Excelsior
College Library Resource Guide for module 5– https://
• Organic foods: You can find information about the meaning
of this term “Organic” in this week’s readings and in the
Excelsior College Library Resource Guide for module 5–
• Lab-grown Meats and Meat Substitutes: The latest
technology development is intended to give us meat
substitutes that look and taste just like meat such as the
Impossible Burger or the Beyond Burger. Now there are
labs growing muscle tissues from animals, shrimp, and fish
to replace farm-raised animals. You can find information
about these products in this week’s readings and in the
Excelsior College Library Resource Guide for module 5–
Next- Research your selected topic using the module resources
and by locating at least 2 other reliable, objective sources from
the EC library or Google Scholar only. First, check the Excelsior
College Library Resource Guide
(Links to an external site.)
for module 5.
Finally – Create your initial post of at least 250 words, responding
to the following prompts:
• Explain your selected topic what it is and why it is important
to you
• Discuss the positive aspects of this issue, how is it good for
us? What are the aspects of this topic that would benefit
society the most?
• Discuss the negative aspects of this topic. Is it hyped by the
media, is the public information available about it
scientifically accurate? Do the food items in this topic
actually provide the benefits it claims to provide?
• What is the most important aspect that you want everyone to
know about your topic?
NS110- M5.3 First Post
Examine the readings and videos for this week, as well as the
details in the interactive module
First, choose one of the following themes to conduct preliminary research on.
• Superfoods: choose one of those mentioned in the New York Times.
C. Williams’s scientist article A blueberry every day.
• GMO food crops: Genetically Modified Crops (GMOs) are a growing concern.
For certain governments and groups, this is a contentious issue.
Please visit the Department of Agriculture’s website at https://
45179/43668 err162.pdf
• Nutritional supplements, such as vitamins and protein powders or
probiotics (Select one of these to examine) You can discover
The Excelsior contains information about each of these supplements.
Module 5 College Library Resource Guide – https://
• Organic foods: You may learn more about the meaning of organic foods here.
because of this