Posted: April 13th, 2023
Respond To Discussion 6 essay
Respond to each discussion with at least 100 words:
I haven’t had many experiences with people who have been “on the spectrum” in regards to Asperger’s Syndrome. I vaguely remember some of the instances I had with a guy who played baseball with me who was very intelligent in the classroom but his interpersonal skills were lacking. I remember he had mentioned it to us when he first got here, I really had no idea what it meant at the time but as I’ve gone through this class, I have noticed some things that now looking back, make sense. He had severe anger issues, and I remember he would always tell us about how he got into fights, and he would also get flustered very easily from the slightest things that would happen. Overall, that is the only experience I’ve had with someone on the “spectrum.”
I think the best way to help people assimilate into the classroom community is to first bring light to those in the class on what it means to be on the spectrum of Asperger’s. When people have a better understanding of what someone deals with, then it allows them to potentially be more accepting of those who have these struggles. Next, I believe it is immensely important to let those, who are on the spectrum, know that they are valued, and that what they struggle with does not define who they are as a person. Find ways to get them involved in classroom activity, allow them to speak up, value their input, and simply just listen any time they have something to say. If they get frustrated, make sure they know their feelings are valid, and just constantly work with them through their struggles. Like I said, I don’t know all there is to know about this, but I do believe this is a good start to help them become assimilated into the Gen Ed community.
Asperger’s Syndrome is a condition that is high-functioning. It is also referred to as ASD (autism spectrum disorder). According to this site, “On the spectrum refers to the specific set of behavioral and developmental problems and the challenges associated with autism spectrum disorder” ( I have worked with at least one child who has had autism but he was so very young at the time. He was in kindergarten at an elementary school. He was a really smart young man. He loves shapes and colors. The way he was able to complete his classwork and keep himself occupied when needed was very noticeable.
He wasn’t very vocal at all but knew how to make noises and such when he did not want to be bothered. For the most part, he was to himself whenever he wanted to play or color. Every now and then he would give a hug or two but if he wasn’t familiar with you he’d make some noises. The way he was able to keep up with his work was very impressive. It may not have been at a quick pace but he was able to do well enough to stay ahead. Students who are “on the spectrum” would best be able to be served if they have an early diagnosis. Plans need to be made out ahead of time to see what could be done to help benefit the child. Manipulatives in this situation would be so vital to the learning process. Usually, children respond well to bright colors and such. Activities with manipulatives and bright colors would be awesome to the younger students, but for the older, I believe it would benefit them as well. It may take a little for them to catch up, but if they have someone who truly loves and cares for their well-being they will be okay.
Asperger’s Syndrome is a neurological disorder that is a group of disorders considered Autistic Spectrum Disorders and this one is on the lower end of the spectrum. People with Asperger’s Syndrome may show several signs of the syndrome which include any of the following:
• Sufferers have difficulty with social interactions
• They tend to have repetitive behaviors
• They stand firmly on what they believe
• They tend to focus solely on the rules and routines of the day (Burke, 2019)
If you would like to try to fight the syndrome from a medical standpoint then there are several drugs that could be offered to a sufferer. Aripiprazole, commonly known as Abilify, which reduces irritability; Guanfacine or Olanzapine which reduces hyperactivity; Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s) which reduces repetitive behaviors and Risperidone which reduces insomnia and anxiety. (Burke, 2019)
My experience in working with or having association with those who have autism or on the “spectrum” with respect to Asperger’s Syndrome can be describe as both interesting and informative. First, one must be able to have an interconnection with the person and the world which we live in. I met a young man who was on the Asperger’s Spectrum. He was fixated with different kind of trains including locomotives and the tracks. He even went as far as to know the year in which the trains were built. The young man was socially incline and able to build relationships throughout the community.
If drugs are not plausible due to financial hardships or religious beliefs, then we must go in with a more hands on (not physically) approach. Based on this information I have researched, I can assist Autistic Students achieve within in my classroom by building a relationship with the student and parent, working with both administration and counselor, and making my class conducive to learning. To add, the classroom and the instruction should be differentiated. First, building a relationship with both student and parent is a vital component in my classroom, whereas trust must be earned . Secondly, the teacher should collaborate with administration on student’s progress, needed equipment and other necessary accommodations which are beneficial for the student. Last, but not least, classroom instruction must be differentiated. In other words, when teaching about nouns, hands- on objects, computer programs and even pictures would be helpful in teaching the lesson. (Taylor, 2019)
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