Posted: February 21st, 2023
respond to 3 students 200 words each need by 1040 pm
1.Tyler Newport
Hello Nicole,
Thanks for the post. Just out of curiosity, what was your role in the company example that you provided? Would a proper decision analysis have found that social media would be a great place to reach out? I really think there are still so many small companies out there that simply do not harness the power of the internet and social media. There are so many times that I can personally think of where a business did not have a website, so I did not go there because I didn’t know what to expect. Thanks for the post!
2.Blake Robicheaux
Top of Form
Hey Nicole
I feel like a decision tree could have certainly been a solid road map that could’ve have led the PR firm in the right direction. It seems like there could have been many ways to drum up clients, including marketing via social media. A decision tree could propose decision nodes that might propose the problem, “Should we invest time & money in social media marketing?” It could eventually list solutions and payoffs. From there, they could make a decision that benefits the organization, gets more clients, makes for a more productive workplace for the employees.
3.Brian Fallon
Brian Fallon Responding to:RE: Week 4 Sam
Your post is well stated. I have to agree with the statement regarding writing while reading. When I attended Paramedic School in 2002 , I learned that this practice was ideal for my particular learning style. I found that once I read the material, wrote it down, and then verbalized it through flash card repetition, I was able to solidify the material. After the material was written down I was able to bring the information with me wherever I traveled. It was during this time that I became an avid flash card user. I believe one of the larger challenges individuals experience in schooling is determining their learning style. The added challenge is determining others learning style once in a position to aid a fellow student or employee. Thanks for the post.
Brian Fallon