Posted: January 18th, 2023
Researching and Writing a Bachelor Thesis
A bachelor thesis is a research project that is typically completed by students as part of their undergraduate studies. It is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a particular subject, as well as their ability to conduct independent research and present their findings in a clear and concise manner.
The process of completing a bachelor thesis typically involves selecting a topic, researching and collecting data, analyzing the data, and writing and presenting the results of the research. The topic of the bachelor thesis is typically chosen by the student in consultation with their academic advisor, and should be relevant to their field of study and of interest to them.
The bachelor thesis is typically a significant part of an undergraduate degree program, and can be an important opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills and abilities to potential employers. It may also serve as a stepping stone to further academic research or study, such as a master’s degree or PhD program.
Researching and Writing the Bachelor Thesis
Writing a bachelor thesis can be a challenging and rewarding experience for students. It allows them to delve deep into a specific topic of interest and conduct independent research to solve a specific problem or address a research question. There are two main approaches that students can take when writing their bachelor thesis: empirical research and literature review.
If students choose to conduct empirical research, they will need to collect data from human subjects or organizations using a specific instrument, such as a questionnaire or interview guideline. It is important to discuss the details of the instrument, data collection method, and data analysis method with the supervisor before implementing the research. If data is being collected from human subjects, the supervisor must also send the drafted questionnaire or interview guideline to Instructor for approval.
On the other hand, if students choose to conduct a literature review, they will need to rely on published sources, such as books, articles, and specialist magazines, to address their research question. The library at the university and other public libraries or university libraries can be valuable resources for finding relevant literature. Students can also utilize digital resources and the facilities of other libraries, such as the Vienna University of Economics and Business, by presenting their student ID and residence registration form.
In order to write a successful bachelor thesis, it is important to identify an interesting research problem, define it clearly and explain its practical relevance. The thesis should also present a clear line of argumentation and make a connection between the practical problem and theory. The results should be clear and evident, and the thesis should be formally correct in terms of language, citation standards, bibliography, and layout. It is also helpful for students to have their bachelor thesis critiqued by their supervisor or another person on a regular basis.
The deadline for submitting the bachelor thesis for those participating in the graduation ceremony is usually the end of May, although this can be negotiated with the supervisor. For those not attending the graduation ceremony, the bachelor thesis can be submitted at any time of the year. It is important to ensure that the bachelor thesis is linguistically flawless and has been independently processed and interconnected with the sources cited. Upon completion, the bachelor thesis should be submitted to the supervisor for assessment.