Posted: July 7th, 2022
Research/Study paper to Analyze and report on a section/bureau/division in a criminal justice agency
Research/Study paper to Analyze and report on a section/bureau/division in a criminal justice agency.
Analyze and report on a section/bureau/division in a criminal justice agency. The focus of the analysis is to examine the manner in which the section/bureau/division influences agency operations. Examples include the Human Resources Section, Records Division, Office of Legal Affairs, Internal Affairs and/or Professional Standards, Labor Relations Office, Budget Section for the ABC County Sheriff’s Office, or the DEF Juvenile Detention Center.
The purposes of conducting and writing this study are to improve your ability to synthesize, analyze, and evaluate information carefully and objectively, solve problems effectively, present your ideas in a clear written form directed to a specific audience, in this case, your class.
To complete this project, you should:
Select the agency and section/bureau/division in which you are interested.
Gather materials from the agency, such as organization charts, annual reports, and budgets.
Interview persons working in the section about their job(s).
Observe the activities in the section.
Describe the structure, practice, and procedures of the agency and of the section you plan to analyze.
Describe the procedures you will use to conduct your study including interviewing some people who work in the section.
Compare similar agencies.
Describe the results of your study.
Make conclusions about your findings, including the positive and negative aspects you discovered.
Your paper must include:
A cover page
Methodology section
Reference page (As many sources as you want)
The appendix which might include a summary of your interview(s) and organization charts of your agency and your section
Research/Study paper to Analyze and report on a section/bureau/division in a criminal justice agency
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Research/Study paper to Analyze and report on a section/bureau/division in a criminal justice agency
The effectiveness of criminal justice agencies is dependent on the contribution of its various sections towards the achievement of the common goals and objectives. The different sections within the law enforcement agencies make specific contributions for the benefit of the whole organization. In this regard, the different sections can include the human resource department, office of legal affairs, records division, internal affairs and professional standards, budget section, or the labor relations office (Hickman and Reaves, 2012). In this regard, the law enforcement section is highly dependent on the human resource section to ensure that it sufficiently and effectively delivers in the duties and responsibilities attached to maintaining law and order. The human resource section is tasked with managing employees and duties related to job analysis and design, recruitment, training and development, performance management, compensation and benefits, labor relations, and managerial relations. The human resource section will be vital in the law enforcement agency/ police to ensure that operations are geared towards attaining success in maintaining law and order.
Methodology section
The methodology section evaluates the process and procedures to be adopted in gathering information on the agency and the contribution of the human resource department in the entire police department. This section will take the visiting of the Los Angeles Police department (LAPD) personnel section to research, evaluate and access its operation towards aiding the overall goals of maintaining law and order (Spohn and Tellis, 2012). The methodology will concentrate on gathering information through interviews with different employees, going through official documents such as organizational charts, budgets, annual reports, observation of the activities, and descriptions of structure and procedures.
In the gathering of information, the researcher will collect or use different documents from the personnel section. In this regard, the relevant documents will be on annual reports, budgets, operational schedules, and personnel section calendar (Strom and Hickman, 2010). These documents and reports can be retrieved from the departmental archives, new magazines, and organizational periodicals. The documented and reports will form a basis for understanding and conducting the research.
The methodology section will conduct interviews with the different personnel from the police department and specific members from the personnel section. The interview will provide firsthand information on the operations, the duties and responsibilities of persons in the department, and those within the personnel section towards attaining goals and objectives in the maintaining law and order in the society (Strom and Hickman, 2010). The interview for the police department’s general members will be conducted by the deputy chief of police, commander, captains, lieutenant, detective, sergeants, and police officers in the ground. On the other hand, the interview will be conducted on the personnel group, starting with the commanding officer and the junior officers at the section. The interview will be conducted by getting permission from relevant authorities and the consent of the LAPD heads. In this section, the researcher needs to promise and ensure that ethical standards and guidelines are effectively covered in the interview’s conduct. Upon the approval of conducting the interviews, one needs to present the interview session in oral or written form to the respondents. On needs to reach the respondents from their offices and in the field to ensure the interview’s sample size is attained.
The observation research technique needs to be adopted to collect data regarding the operation and activities of the human resource section within the LAPD. The researcher needs to operate from the personnel section while noting the operations in the course of normal police operations (Strom and Hickman, 2010). The researcher can work in other departments to observe the effect and influence of the personnel departments. Additionally, the researcher needs to work from the police officers’ field to evaluate the police work and how its department’s personnel section impacts it. Working with the officers in the personnel section and those in the field ensures that the researcher can gather firsthand information on the personnel section’s impact on the overall operations and work of the police.
LAPD organizational structure
The LAPD is one of the largest and most innovative law enforcement agencies composed of different sections, as indicated under the organizational charts. The board of the police commissioners stands at the LAPD’s helm to oversee the organization’s operations. There is the chief of police’s office tasked with planning, efficient operation, and administration of the police department (Philips, 2013). There is the office of constitutional policing policy with subdivisions in special projects, audit division, legal affairs, risk management legal affairs group and Risk management and policies Division, Risk management and policies division and risk management legal affairs Group. There is the office of support services divided into critical incident review division and behavioral science services. There is the office of personnel and training bureau divided into training division, in-service division, police training, education, personnel division, and recruitment and employment division. Additionally, some other offices and departments include; office of special operations, operations (Operations Central Bureau, Operation south Bureau, and operation valley bureau). There are different sections tasked with ensuring the LAPD achieves the optimal role of maintaining law and order. In this regard, the concentration will be on the Personnel and training bureau section.
The LAPD personnel section can be compared with other agencies such as the New York City police department (NYPD) to evaluate and assess the similarities and differences in the operations and structures in meeting their common goals and objectives. The LAPD and the NYPD share a relatively similar hierarchical structure for the conduct of their different operations. The structure is geared towards ensuring that law enforcement operations are effectively achieved (Bobb, 2003). On the other hand, the NYPD personnel section is expounded and expansive compared to that of LAPD, thus making it possible for it to have more functions and operation to address the officer’s needs. In this regard, the LAPD personnel department offers general human resource functions while the NYPD offers general and specific human resource operations such as human relations.
The study results indicate that the personnel section of the LAPD plays a vital role in ensuring that the overall policy goals and objectives are attained in the interest of the common good. The human resource/personnel department ensures that the police are effectively equipped and effectively implements the different duties and responsibilities attached to their positions (Perez and Bromley, 2015). The research indicates that the personnel department’s effectiveness is made possible through the structuring of the department into different sections to serve the overall needs. The department’s different subsections include the administrative section, return to work section, civilian employment section, personnel records section, employee selection section, and medical liaison section. Police work entails increased engagements and dedication, and thus the police need to be supported through ensuring that their welfare is effectively catered.
The research indicates that the personnel section is consistently involved in research in safeguarding the police welfare to ensure that they improve the management of the human resource. Research and investigation ensure that the personnel section consistently updates their services based on the environmental changes (Perez and Bromley, 2015). The security environment keeps changing with advanced technology, thus inclining the police department to adopt new and advanced programs, hiring requirements, tools, and equipment, thus streamlining the police operation. The research enables the personnel section to guide the entire police department to align with the societal change in the common good’s interest.
The personnel department is involved in a thorough and objective background investigation of the civilians and potential officers to ensure they hire quality personnel that will effectively carry their duties and responsibilities with effectiveness and efficiency. In this case, the background investigations evaluate criminal records, medical records, educational background, knowledge and skills, and experience in the different professions. The personnel gathers this information from the civilians and candidates to ensure they make informed decisions on hiring new officers. The background investigations are done on every individual admitted in the police department operation, thus ensuring that they will offer quality output regarding the different duties and responsibilities attached to their position.
The police department acknowledges that the LAPD personnel section has significantly contributed to the comprehensive staffing plan. Staffing plan takes a strategic planning process where a company assesses and identifies the organization’s personnel needs to ensure that there are no shortages of staff in the other sections or offices operating under the police departments. The staffing plan enables one to understand the number and types of employees required to meet the organizational goals. The staffing plan enables the organization to conduct research directed towards predicting the organizational staff needs by evaluating the societal law enforcement needs in consideration with advanced technology (Luczak, 2018). In such a case, one establishes duties and responsibilities that will become extinct with time while appreciating the ones that will be needed. For instance, the police will need to increase the number of professional officers tasked with counter-terrorism due to increased terrorism acts across the globe. Therefore, staffing planning ensures that the police departments are sufficiently prepared in terms of staff management to meet the future societal law enforcement needs.
The personnel section of the Los Angeles Police department as a criminal justice agency has immensely contributed to the entire department’s effective and efficient operation through the management of human resources. The evaluation role and importance of the personnel department in the entire police department is conducted through research. The research, in this case, was implemented through interviews and observation research methods. The research further evaluates the documents, reports, and organizational charts to understand the human resource section’s operation and importance in law enforcement operations. Additionally, the site visits play a significant role in collecting and gathering information from the offices and the field. The research findings indicated that the human resource section of the LAPD played a significant role in ensuring that the entire departments were conducted with effectiveness and efficiency. In this case, the human resource section is divided into various sub-sections to meet different organizational goals. The personnel department conducts consistent research to improve operations. The section conducts strict background research to ascertain the staff’s fitness in delivering on their mandates and ensuring effective staff planning. Therefore, the different sections within the criminal justice agencies are significant in enhancing the achievement of goals and objectives in the entire organization.
Bobb, M. (2003). Civilian oversight of the police in the United States. . Louis U. Pub. L. Rev., 22, 151.
Hickman, M. J., & Reaves, B. (2012). Local police departments, 2003. BiblioGov.
Łuczak, J. (2018). Police human resource policy in the Lodz voivodeship as a determinant of knowledge and organization’s effective operation. Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 17(1), 71-82.
Perez, N. M., & Bromley, M. (2015). Comparing campus and city police human resource and select community outreach policies and practices. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management.
Phillips, J. R. (2013). Law Enforcement Reform, Institutional Isomorphism, and Performance Measurement: A Case Study of the Los Angeles Police Department While Under a Federal Consent Decree. University of La Verne.
Spohn, C., & Tellis, K. (2012, February). Policing and prosecuting sexual assault in Los Angeles City and County: A collaborative study in partnership with the Los Angeles police department, the Los Angeles County sheriff’s department, and the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office. In National Institute of Justice (US). National Institute of Justice (US).
Strom, K. J., & Hickman, M. J. (2010). Unanalyzed evidence in law‐enforcement agencies: A national examination of forensic processing in police departments. Criminology & Public Policy, 9(2), 381-404.
Interview Question
1. What is the central role that the police play in Los Angeles?
2. What are the police’s challenges in the course of their law enforcement operations in Los Angeles?
3. What traits or operation makes the LAPD successful and functional in its different operations?
4. Which is the most critical section in the LAPD in addressing the police needs to ensure they are effective and efficient in their law enforcement duties and responsibilities?
5. What is the role and importance of the Personnel section in the LAPD towards the police’s support?
6. What are the most notable operations of the human resource section of the LAPD?
7. What are the failures of the LAPD?
8. What section of human resource management do you think the LAPD personnel section needs to address to ensure the officers’ welfare is attained?
9. What differences or similarities do you not between the LAPD personnel section and other human resource section in other law enforcement agencies?
10. What are your comments regarding the existence of the human resource section in the LAPD?
Los Angeles Police department Organizational chart
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