Posted: December 11th, 2022
Research Report Assignment In this 4-6 page
Research Report Assignment In this 4-6 page research report you will write an argumentative, research-based report on an issue within discourse community you are a member of, have been a member of, or want to be a member of. This signment will require you to use five sources, three of which will need to be scholarly sources. Your research report will consist of different sections focused on different aspects of your research topic. Each topic needs to be discussed in full. 1. Introduction – What is the topic? What is the history of this topic? What brought you to this topic? y is it important to you? What might you or someone gain from researching this topic? 2. Research Question — What is the exact research question you will be looking to answer? . Literature Review: What have other indiviiitials/news sources said about this topic? What are the two ides to the topic? Describe the topic incorporating a minimum of 5 sources, 3 of which needs to be a holarly source. Conclusion – What did you find most interesting from researching this topic? Why? Which side of the issue do you agree/connect with? Why? 5. Appendix A — Definition of Terms — Define terms that your audience might not know or that need to be clarified. (Does not count toward the page total.) Works Cited page — Properly formatted Works Cited page. (Does not count toward the page total.)
Rhetorical Situation Your primary audience should be myself, remember that I am familiar with the characteristics of a discourse community in general but I do not know them for each of your discourse communities so you should be as explicit as possible. Your secondary audience should be your classmates, as some of them will read your draft. The genre in which you should present this writing assignment is a research report. A research report should include clearly labeled sections that discuss specific aspects of the topic or research being done.
– 4-6 pages – Double Spaced – 12-point Times New Roman font – 5 sources minimum (at least three being academic sources) – 1″ margins – Properly formatted Works Cited page – Inviting tide