Posted: December 11th, 2022
Research Proposal
Research Proposal
The goal of a research proposal is twofold: to present and justify the need to study a research problem and to present the practical ways in which the study will be conducted.
The following sections must be included in the research proposal:
1.Working title
The title should be short, and it should describe the overall research
2. Background description and justification of a research topic that is scientifically relevant
A clear and succinct research problem should be defined and what it is you are proposing to research. An appropriate review of the literature related to the research problem should be included to provide an academic basis of the investigation. There should be acknowledgement of key texts and relevant literature and/or bodies of knowledge cited.
3. Research Aim, question(s) and objectives
A precise statement that states the innovative/important/relevant research aim. State the research question(s) and objectives. The research question(s) and objectives should be clearly defined.
4. Methodology
A detailed discussion of methodological underpinnings/philosophical position and research approach should be included in this section. The field setting (where field work will take place) should be described. The research methods should be stated and justified. The discussion of research methods chosen should include the sampling method(s), data collection method(s), and data analysis technique(s) chosen. Research methods chosen should be appropriate in terms of the aim of the research and the philosophical position and research approach taken. Research literature should be cited throughout this section.
5. Ethical considerations and quality of research
A precise and systematic assessment of research quality, potential biases and research ethics should be provided. This will include a discussion of criteria to be used to ensure quality in the research process and the strategies that will be used to operationalize. In addition, a thoughtful discussion on how excellence will be achieved in terms of ethical conduct during the research process should be provided
Text should be double spaced using Times New Roman 12pt font. Reference using the APA referencing format.
Subheadings should be used to break up topics, helping to organize the flow and facilitate reading.