Posted: February 13th, 2022
Research paper
Write an essay of about 750 words, using at least two images from the Western Art and one or two from Asian art to discuss their historical times and styles. Appraise the messages or each of the images and the representation of their cultural heritage, and then show a relationship among them, addressing the similarities and/or differences among them. You cannot choose works of art or architectural structures from previous Critical Thinking Writing Assignments. Make sure you explain your choice & support your argument with 3 works of art.
This is a research paper and you should have referred to JSTOR, Proquest, Youtube, and other sources to help you establish your appreciation of each of these images. You should provide a Work Cited Page for this paper, following the MLA requirement. If you need more help with MLA, refer to OWL site we talked about in class.
Remember the structure of the essay:
Introductory paragraph:
General narration about the pieces you have selected to write about. Direct this narration to your thesis.
Explain the specific message purpose of each of these pieces you have chosen.
Thesis: show a clear relationship among the ideas you want to write about.
4 Body paragraphs:
The body paragraphs should have a topic sentence.
The topic sentence should have a subject, action verb and object.
The subject is the idea
The object is your comment about the idea.
Textual Support / Analysis: This is where you provide the details of the specific images. You may provide quotes [from the videos you have seen], or describe what you want your reader to notice in relation to the ideas you want to discuss.
Commentary: This is where you answer the implied questions embedded in the comment of your topic sentence.
The conclusion is a summation of the entire essay. Summation is different from a summary.
Minimum length: 750-1000 words. Copy & paste your essay single spaced when you post your answer. This will make it easier for me to read – less scrolling.
Sources: the textbook & the Instructor PDF files. This means that if you quote a passage from the textbook, it MUST be cited. This goes for the instructor PDF files.
How to Avoid Plagiarism…
Remember, your post is in your own words. DO NOT copy the information, word for word, from the textbook or the Instructor PDF files. If you do this, you will receive a ZERO for this Assignment. In addition, if you look up information on a website, you must also rewrite it in your own words. I will only accept websites that are scholarly written – this does not include Wikipedia, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, blogs or children’s books. Do not Google your answer. For help with citing, please refer to the Syllabus.