Posted: February 19th, 2022
Research Paper
Research Paper — Choose one of TWO topics. Great Gatsby Topic
ENC 1102 – Research Paper
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
How does the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald present the theme of the American dream (equal opportunity for economic prosperity)? Is the novel optimistic or pessimistic (or both) about the attainment of the American dream? What role do corruption and social class privilege play in the tragedy that occurs in this novel? Is the American dream threatened today by rising income inequality?
Complete the following outline:
THESIS: Answer the first two questions in the topic.
2nd paragraph: Brief plot summary of first half of novel (USE PRESENT TENSE)
3rd paragraph: Brief plot summary of 2nd half of book (USE PRESENT TENSE)
4 -5 paragraph: Topic sentence: How does the novel present the theme of the American dream? Is it optimistic or pessimistic or both?
Paraphrase from research source:
Citation; last name of author:
Quotes from Fitzgerald:
6th paragraph: Topic sentence: What is the role of corruption and social privilege in the novel?
Paraphrase from research source:
Citation; last name of author:
Quote from Fitzgerald:
7-8 paragraph: Topic sentence: How is the American dream threatened today by rising income inequality or corruption?
Paraphrase from research source:
Citation; last name of author:
Conclusion paragraph