Posted: February 21st, 2022
Research Method Overview
☐ Begin with an introduction and restatement of the problem and purpose sentences verbatim.
☐ Provide a brief overview of the contents of this chapter, including a statement that identifies the research methodology and design.
Research Methodology and Design
☐ Describe the research methodology and design. Elaborate upon their appropriateness in relation to the study problem, purpose, and research questions.
☐ Identify alternative methodologies and designs and indicate why they were determined to be less appropriate than the ones selected. Do not simply list and describe research methodologies and designs in general.
☐ Begin with an introduction and a verbatim repeat of the problem and purpose sentences.
☐ Give a brief description of the chapter’s contents, including a statement identifying the study technique and design.
Methodology and Design of Research
☐ Describe the approach and design of the research. Explain how they are relevant to the study problem, purpose, and research questions.
☐ Identify alternative approaches and designs and explain why they were deemed less suitable than the ones chosen. Do not just list and describe general research procedures and designs.