Posted: February 26th, 2022
Report #1 Computer System
CSCI 6643 – 01 Report #1 200 points
Computer System
Develop a report to compare laptops and desktops in terms of their hardware capabilities. Research and find two top of the line laptops, one PC and one Mac. Compare them in terms of:
· Processor: speed, Cache capacity, power consumption.
· Memory: size, speed, technology.
· Graphics processor: speed and memory size.
· Connectivity: bus speed and type and number of I/O ports
· Price for the entire system
If there is a choice in putting together a laptop select the highest capability. Repeat the same research for desktop computers. Tabulate your research outcome as follows:
System Make and Model
Cache Capacity
Power Consumption
Graphics Processor
Memory Size
Bus Speed
Type and Number of I/O Ports
Your report should have the following layout:
· Cover Page (with report # (1), Report Title, your class (CSCI 6643 – Section 1, your name)
· Table of contents
· Introduction (explain what is this report about, why do we care about it,…)
· Literature review (topic, the sources you used to research each topic, ….)
· Description (the body of research outcome, one section for each topic with a title and subsections
· Conclusion
· References (list of resources you found your information from, numbered, (refer to these sources in your report by enclosing the number associated with it in [ ] after it is used )
In the subject line of email include “CSCI 6643 – Report 1 – last name – first name”.
Name your file as your “last name – first name