Posted: September 1st, 2023
Reply To Discussion- 1 essay
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Academic Integrity is an ethical code that demonstrates a student is being honest with its academic performance. Nowadays, some institutions have implemented academic policies that prevents scholars from committing educational dishonesty. This deed involves the act of cheating and stealing someone else’s work while pretending to be yours. The three videos clips showed in Canvas are about the importance of academic integrity, acts that involve students into dishonest practices and students responsibilities regarding this moral code. In this discussion I will analyze some of the critical issues that are exposed in the Video Clips and the most relevant lessons I learned.
One critical issue that students faced when they commit academic dishonesty is that they are not getting appropriate education. When someone gets credit for others work, they are not just stealing someone’s idea but they are limiting their learning. For example, if I simply copy and paste the work of a friend. First, I am not giving that person the credit he or she deserves and I am not using my critical thinking to develop my own ideas. According to the first video academic integrity “means students are achieving success fairly”. This idea is violated when scholars opt to use the same wording, content and ideas of other writers. Therefore, students must comprehend the importance of academic honesty.
Also, other issue that results from academic dishonesty is that it degrades the university as a whole. If a college allows cheating, it will hurt the school’s name. And so, less people will be willing to apply to it. The reputation of the university depends on all of the students, so we must all learn the acts that leads to educational fraudulence. Colleges have become more demanding when it comes to academic honesty, because students have been disrupting this moral code. It is our duty to learn about the consequences of acting wrongly, so we are more cautious of making this kind of mistakes.
Violating academic honesty takes away the value of other people’s work. It is not fair to excel in a subject when you were not responsible for obtaining that credit. The effort behind each work must be highly prized. The hours of researching, thinking, connecting ideas and developing coherent concepts could not just be forgotten if other individual is taking advantage of it. It is important to know the value of others viewpoints. So, we are more conscious when doing our own work.
The first video clip teaches that being honest with the academics means that you are being honest with yourself. Even though the professor either finds out or does not realize that the student is cheating, the scholar is lying to itself. You are not acquiring the necessary information to succeed in your career. However, when you start your work, the employer will notice the lack of knowledge and so it will have its consequences. Sooner or later your learnings will be tested in your professional field. Thus, acting dishonest is the same as cheating to yourself, which is even worst.
The second video clip clarifies that it is the student responsibility to be knowledgeable about the academic integrity policy of its corresponding school. In order to prevent learners from infringing the policy, the university must explicitly define the principle of educational honesty. In FIU, the syllabus for each of the classes I have taken incorporates the academic policy. It is the duty of the student to read and sign the principle that applies for the university. There is no excuse for the scholar of not knowing about the rule, because all the classes explain it. Consequently, the student must understand the law that implies committing untruthful practices at the institution.
From the third video clip I learned that plagiarism is one of the most severe issues included in the honor code of a university. There are ten types of plagiarism that although I have already known about it, people could probably forget it. First, using someone else work word by word. Second, using a part of a writing from a unique source without modifying anything. Third, changes key words from the text but preserves the main idea. Fourth, paraphrasing of many sources. Fifth, does not use citation from ideas taken of other writers. Sixth, uses perfectly cited sources with incorrect citation. Seven, utilizes a mix of sources with copied texts. Eight, incorporates citation to non-existent data. Ninth, the work does not contain original ides. Last, practices good citation but copies the composition and the flow of ideas from the borrow source. These ten forms of plagiarism is sometimes mistakenly taken and that’s why it should be remembered.
Conclusively, academic integrity is associated with the achievement of the student. If the scholar fails to understand what involves being honest, it has severely negative consequences and it can risk his or her career. Comprehending the three most critical issues that implicates educational dishonesty, helps you be more aware of committing this kind of crime. It is our responsibility to be sincere with our acts. For this reason, practicing honesty will help us become the leaders of tomorrow.