Posted: September 1st, 2023
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Topic 3 DQ 1 reply to Sylvia
Cultural competence is a critical skill needed among healthcare practitioners. The patient in the case is John from Congo. The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country in Africa endowed with various resources and recurring epidemics such as Ebola. The culture is highly tied to strong family structures. Language differences from cultural differences negatively impact health literacy. Therefore, it is incumbent upon health care professions to deliver health care information that the patient can easily comprehend.
Often, patient education materials are written in advanced reading levels that non-native English speakers may find it difficult to comprehend. One of the strategies is the use of visual aids. Not only do visual aids promote active interaction, but visual aids also aid in visual learners. The health care practitioners can point to some of the body parts that are complex to understand. The effect of the disease can also be explained from visual charts, videos, or models. A simulation in necessary instances is also essential. For patients speaking English as a second language, the health care professions can speak slowly and use simple sentences.
Ali, P. A., & Watson, R. (2018). Language barriers and their impact on providing care to patients with limited English proficiency: Nurses’ perspectives. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(5-6), e1152-e1160.
Brottman, M. R., Char, D. M., Hattori, R. A., Heeb, R., & Taff, S. D. (2020). Toward cultural competency in health care: A scoping review of the diversity and inclusion education literature. Academic Medicine, 95(5), 803-813.
Schram, S., Loeb, J. A., & Song, F. (2020). Disease propagation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): an interplay between genetics and environment. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 17(1), 1-7.
Topic 3 DQ 1 reply to Debra
In order to care for a patient and effectively educated them on their treatment, the healthcare professional needs to have an understanding of their culture, beliefs and attitudes of that individual. Lack of understanding of the cultural differences or ignoring a patients beliefs, values or attitudes can impede the learning process, which can result in nonadherence of the treatment. Although all cultures possess different styles of beliefs, views or practices, it is important not to stereotype, since everyone develops their own style of practices(Falvo, 2011).
Providing care to a patient that is a Muslim and of Islamic faith the healthcare professional should understanding that their faith can influence decision-making, health practices and family dynamics. Some important differences of a Muslim could be their diet, ideas of modesty, privacy and touch restrictions. During the interview the healthcare provider should determine if they have a good understanding of English. Do they need a translator phone, or would they prefer having a family member translate. It would be important to know that eye contact between the opposite gender should be avoided as well as physical contact. Say, the patient is a female and the healthcare worker a male, communication would need to be completed with the spouse(Attum, Hafiz, Malik, & Shamoon, 2020).Taking into consideration their religious beliefs and need to pray five times daily, education should be scheduled to respect their need to perform the prays. Building a trusting relation, showing respect for their culture and providing their individual needs can improve the receptiveness of the Muslim patient to the education needed for a positive outcome(Falvo, 2011).
Attum, B., Hafiz, S., Malik, A., & Shamoon, Z. (2020). Cultural competence in the care of muslin patients and their families. Retrieved January 16, 2021, from