Posted: November 2nd, 2022
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The essay requires about 1500 words, but there are few assignment relate to it and I want you to do it while writing the essay. Just answer 2-3 sentences for each question or may be more if you need to. All the files are uploaded on ggdrive with the due days, I need some files early but the essay is due on May 07. Thank you. 2 Folders and 1 Guideline. If the total words is more than 1925 words for all the files and essay I will add more money.
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Q. What does it take to be a good writer, and what are some of the situations that writers encounter?
For an author who wants to communicate any kind of idea, he or she has to consider four main factors. These factors include the role of an author, his target audience, a particular topic, and the purpose or message it is desired to convey. If it’s a reader, he or she has to consider who the author is, the target audience, what the topic is about, and the purpose of the essay. Everybody is regarded as a writer, whether you woke up to type a text message or a journal. In a person’s life, he or she has written essays, formal documents, or emails involved with work, school, or extracurricular functions.
A person becomes a different type of author every time depending on the situation. That lies under the point of who is an author. In some cases, an author may want to be very informative, funny, serious, technical, casual, or entertaining (The Writing Process, n.d.). Other times he would rather combine all that. The goal in which the author wants to achieve determines the kind of author he will become. Again, the audience matters. The audience could involve everyone in general or people who are well learned about the topic. The plan of the audience could be getting entertained, so if the author doesn’t bring out that side, then they become disengaged.
Upon identifying the target audience, the author will be able to know how specific and technical he needs to be. Only the most important parts should be covered to serve as a reminder to those that are already familiar or to educate those who are clueless (Eltringham, 2016). If the audience wants something funny, the author should be able to use a more relaxed tone and throw in two or more jokes. Lastly, the author should have a purpose in writing. The purpose drives the author to write something. It could be to inform the audience, motivate, inspire, or to make them have a good day by putting smiles on their faces. Some write just to showcase their knowledge or to reinforce a good deed.
When a writer decides to write something, his main goal is to persuade his readers through well-crafted words and sentences. The key concept of a good article is taking control of your writing and allowing it to serves its purpose. If it is a message of appreciation a writer wants to pass, it should be short and precise. The first part should include the motive, which in this case, is to show some appreciation followed by any other thing the writer may want to add. Some written products serve multiple purposes. An example of that is a documentary where it serves the role of educating the audience, to inform them or to influence them in one way or another.
A good writer knows how to use different genres to exhibit different approaches and styles. Genres are art categories or rather categories of expression that display different approaches and styles (Beilfuss, Bettes & Peterson, 2019). Genres come in many different forms. They are displayed in different forms of publications. Examples of publications that involve different genres are such as academic peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, popular magazines, and general-purpose media. The academic peer-reviewed journals are publications written by experts to experts. Their audience is very specific and limited; hence they don’t have that much circulation.
The language used is very technical. Various philosophies and complex ideas are displayed, which makes the journals move quickly. The audience usually understands the topic, and the main aim of the writer is to add something new and original, detailed, and a specific argument to what is already known. They undergo a very extensive process in their publication. That is why they are called ‘peer-reviewed”. A team of experts related to this field carefully study the piece of work, analyze it, and give conclusions, then unanimously agree on its authenticity and accuracy.
The trade journals also target expert audiences, just like the peer-reviewed journals. The difference is that they serve a wider audience because every practitioner in any field could be interested in it. The trade journals display different ideas, services, and products that assist further the profession since they convey valuable information. There isn’t a peer-review process for the trade journals. There is only an editorial staff that checks the accuracy and verifies content.
Popular magazines are found in newsstands or bookstores. A magazine is a type of publication that only talks about a particular category like entertainment, politics, fly fishing, and electronics, among others. It targets a large audience. The language used in magazines is slightly informal sometimes, which attracts curious people easily. Their purpose is to inform and entertain while helping people understand and gain more interest in the articles written down. Different contributors work with the editors on content and styles of writing. They do not involve the review process since the writers are not considered total authorities in their fields.
General-purpose media contains the vast information we access every day. Examples are films, television programs, advertisements, web content, music, podcasts, among others. This type of genre is very persuasive. We unknowingly absorb the message and ideas displayed in this category. They have a wide audience and general purpose. Even in academia, media products and general purposes are very useful publications. Popular magazines are not automatically regarded as authoritative. They reflect cultural understanding, public sentiment, and popular trends. The general purpose media deserves recognition due to their power of persuasion and far-reaching effects.
In regards to what I have discussed above, the question that arises is how a scholarly paper is different from a web-based article. The answer is simple. A scholarly paper is also referred to as peer-reviewed journals, and the web-based articles are the popular magazines that contain these articles. The genre that I am using to write this is that of a scholarly paper. There is an introduction, body, and conclusion aimed to convey something new and original, detailed, and a specific argument to what is already known. There is also a specific format used in this article and a writing style that is very necessary for this kind of paper.
In some cases, the writer of a peer-reviewed journal article may have a different rhetorical approach from that of a popular magazine article. In other cases, the same person might write for the two types of publications in which he has to develop a different kind of mentality when switching between them. Even when a writer is writing the same topic across genres, the writing must change (Philippakos & MacArthur, 2019). The solution to writing a good article is identifying the type of genre best suits it, followed by the knowledge a writer has concerning the topic in discussion. As experts and writers in a certain subject area, he is supposed to understand some principles that make a change to an approach based on the target audience and purpose.
In writing a scholarly paper or a peer-reviewed journal, a writer is not supposed to waste time explaining terms or concepts that are well familiar to the rest of the audience (James, 2019). A good writer should spend his energy trying to make an argument and supporting it fully. The language in such an article should be kept formal and concise. The audience is always researching various other similar articles trying to find something new so that one shouldn’t be any different. The writer needs to be specific, intellectually, compelling, and original, given how much the audience already knows about the topic. He should be formal, but that does not mean that he should use a complex or fancy language.
If it is a popular magazine, newspaper, or a web-based article in general, the writer needs to get straight to the point. There is limited space in these papers since different contributors’ book spaces for their articles. The audience browses for the catchy stories only. The goal of such articles is to create emphasis and impact since the readers here are not experts. The main challenge is being concise and still be able to explain the important parts thoroughly. The spans of attention are allowed to be short. As a good writer, one should think of how to grab the attention of the audience and maintain that.
In conclusion, this kind of assignment is presumably supposed to be read by the professor only. In that case, the professor is the target audience. In real sense, such a paper is supposed to teach a lesson to the writer. He is supposed to learn how to write for many different types of audiences. Also, the writer learns how to respond as a good writer. A good writer should be able to use prose that reflects basic professional conventions. The paper should be formally written, the sentences should be complete, the grammar should be correct, and punctuation should be carefully done. The writer is supposed to use the third person. For example, he, she, they or it. The first person only applies when the writer feels confident and authoritative.
The writing process: How do I begin? (n.d.). 2012 Book Archive. do-i-b.html
Eltringham, K. (2016). Taking Control of the Writing Process: Student Self-Regulation in the Writing Classroom (Doctoral dissertation, University of Auckland).
Philippakos, Z., A., & MacArthur, C. A. (2019). Developing strategic young writers through genre instruction: Resources for grades K-2. Guilford Press.
Beilfuss, M. J., Bettes, S., & Peterson, K. (2019). Technical and professional writing genres: A study in theory and practice.
James, M. F. (2019). Taking Control of Writing Your Thesis: A Guide to Get You to the End. Anglican and Episcopal History, 88(4), 449-450.