Posted: October 27th, 2022
Summative Discussion Board Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from the current weeks reading. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following: What was the most compelling topic from the reading this week? Discuss factual information from your text on this topic and your opinion of the topic as well. How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified? Include an in text citation from your source within the post. List your source at the end of the post in APA format. Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their initial post for the week regarding items they found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions: What did you learn from your classmate′s posting? What additional questions do you have after reading the posting? What clarification do you need regarding the posting? What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates′ postings? Readings are attached Classmate 1 : Victor Diaz Silva 10/24/22, 6:45 AM NEW In this week′s reading Anxiety Disorder was a topic that instantly caught my attention. It is described in the book as, ″ … an intense and irrational fear of situations in which they may be judged or scrutinized. Some people with social anxiety disorder are anxious across most social situations—one-on-one conversations, small-group interactions, parties, and many others.″ Pomerantz (2019, p. 505) Additionally, there can be limitations depending on the individual. For example, some might only experience the anxiety disorder when they have to do actions that put them in a spotlight infront of a crowd such as public speaking. I can relate to this because that has been something present in my life through out different stages of my life. Although, I′ve learned to overcome that anxiety and completely ignore it to be able to do the things I want to, that ″fear″ still remains inside of me and it makes me worry even before I start an interaction. Participating in this week′s discussion allowed me to put name in my head to that fear that I′ve felt in social situations and it gave me some insight on why I was able to overcome it. Additionally, it helps to see other students perspectives and how they deal with that anxiety and how it affects their lives. Lastly, Anxiety Disorder makes people aware of their own behavior and it makes people look closely to what they are doing. In a way I feel like this has helped me grow over the years and become better at the things that I invest time into. References: Pomerantz, A. M. (2019). My Psychology. Source: Classmate 2: Samaira Roldan 10/24/22, 5:02 AM NEW The most compelling topic for me this week was ′Anxiety Disorder′ meaning ″the group of DSM disorders in which the experience of excessive, unjustified anxiety is the primary symptom.″ Pomerantz (2019, p. 498) This group consists of ′Generalized Anxiety Disorder′, ′Specific Phobia′, ′Social Anxiety Disorder′, and ′Panic Disorder′. Generalized Anxiety Disorder – anxiety symptoms persist for a long time ″across a wide range of situations and activities″ such as life decisions, family, work, study, health, etc. Pomerantz (2019, p. 498) Specific Phobia – it is characterized by ″excessive anxiety toward a specific object or situation″ Pomerantz (2019, p. 499) The anxiety experienced is triggered by stimulus (object or situation). The most common phobias are acrophobia (fear of heights), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), fear of thunders, spiders, germs, etc. Pomerantz (2019, p. 499) Social Anxiety Disorder – intense and irrational fear of situations such as, groups interactions, parties, public speaking, etc; People with social anxiety are excessively worried about been ″judged or scrutinized″. Pomerantz (2019, p. 500) causing them humiliation and embarrassment. Panic Disorder – it is known as an unexpected and overwhelming reaction ″sudden intense, unpredictable brief bursts of anxiety.″ Pomerantz (2019, p. 501) Some symptoms related are increase in heart rate, heave breaths, also the person could experience paralysing ″sensation″. I learned from this chapter that anxiety is not bad for us, as long as it is not in excessive; helping us ″by alerting you to danger or improving your performance″ Pomerantz (2019, p. 498) Resource: Pomerantz, A.M. (2019). My Psychology (2nd ed.) Macmillan Higher Education.