Posted: July 20th, 2022
Reflection on unit 4
Reflection on unit 4
This is a response and reflection on the material covered in Unit 4: Europe. In other words, you will submit a reflection and response that creatively and critically engage themes and ideas emerging from the readings, lectures, and discussions from Unit 4: Europe. More importantly, you are advised to approach this mid-term response and reflection with more creative and experimental approaches and deliver your responses and reflections through different presentation formats. In other words, you can create: a blog a written response of 750-word counts, a sсrіpted video and/or audio work of not more than 5 minutes a podcast of not more than 5 minutes a PowerPoint presentation And other creative presentation formats. Like your Unit 1, 2, and 3 Mid-term reflections and response, this reflection and response carry 15marks. Your reflection and response should not only summarize the article, lecture, or discussions but also answer questions like: What do you think about the course material/content of this Unit? What does it mean for you? How does it relate to you? What is your ″takeaway″ from this Unit? In addition: Please cite your sources using APA, MLA, or Chicago style (in the case of written response and reflection, PowerPoint, and blog) In the case of video/audio, podcast, and other creative formats, tell us the sources of ideas, terms, concepts, etc., that are not yours. In all, draw from the reading (and other relevant readings) and cite/ include references in your work. Use all the questions as subheadings. Include the attached source in the references. Only use books and peere reviewed journal articles